By James
Jacob wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 8:44:54 pm
James wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 8:40:43 pm I would just like to point out that I'm now 22 and not 21. My birthday was today!!!
king of reading my posts...did you hate me lmao
Lmao no. I don't know what you mean though. Like do you mean I was liking all your posts while lurking?


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By Domenick
Jacob wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 8:44:19 pm could u imagine if i voted out dom and he left unan? he would have disliked everyone's post lol
Nah I went post by post based except one person. 


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By Jacob
Dean Kowalski" wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 8:45:41 pm
Jeff Probst" wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 8:44:49 pm

8th Place
36 - Male
Played By: Jay
From: Reddit
I think a picture is wrong there ;)
I told wendell already. I told him at the gyaros merge when he lied about the idol


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By Jacob
 I do think your personality is a bit more grating over text than seeing you in video

This is something I already knew. Why it sucks on Alias games. I can't communicate over texts. In orgs, I do better on voice calls.
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By Voce
Congrats Wendell. Did get to play with you since I got voted off earlier than I wanted, but apparently you were a decent player:crine:. 

You were great. Well played. 
Wendell, Michael Snow liked this


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By Jeff Probst
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4th Place
29 - Female
Played By: LuLu
From: Reddit
Spoiler: show
Jeff Probst wrote:     You were so captivating throughout the entire season. I think almost more than anyone else, I've followed your story so closely. You definitely overplayed at times, but towards the end, you very nearly won the whole game. You would have been a fabulous winner. The highlight for me has to be the Tribal Council where you almost went home against Hali. This being your first season of Stranded is incredible. I cannot wait for you to join the community, you fit in so well!    
Loveita wrote:     YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN A LION!!!! You can pretend to be a lamb, girl, but it ain't fooling me. The TC QUEEN! The CREATOR OF CHAOS! The DAZZLING DOMINATRIX! In one word: Obsessed. Lots of players here played great games, lots of players played entertaining games, but you were the one I couldn't keep my eye off of. What were you going to do next?! We never knew! Making a F2 one day and voting them out the next? Surely on the brink of elimination but somehow surviving? You left every door open and only shut them when YOU were ready to with your vote. I know final juror isn't an easy spot, especially after a gauntlet of a season like this, but I hope you wear it as a badge of honor.     
Dean wrote:     Holy shit. I remember on early Kameiros, you didn't stand out to me too much honestly. But then after the Voce vote, you began to show us how you can be. You were so stubborn in how you voted, you were not taking anyone's shit, and you were a queen at flip-flopping as you saw fit best for your game. You had your fair share of one liners that made me laugh, you were incredibly fun to watch as a lurker. Especially your mantra of being a lone wolf, you really played that well. Loyal only to yourself and nobody else yet still playing a great game, I've never seen anything like it! If Wendell didn't win that final immunity and left at F4, you'd likely be the winner of this season, so I'd be proud of what you've accomplished.    
Michael wrote:     The worst thing you can be in the game is Erika's ally because Erika doesn't care about you anywhere as much as she cares about herself… and I love it! You made more moves and flips than anyone, sometimes for no reason. But you were such a force to be reckoned with and by the end you would have likely won it all and deserved it! You did great!    
Susie wrote:     Wow! You were a case study for playing a game in a way I'd never seen before. So fluid, so captivating! I was glued to the game, waiting to see what you'd do next. Really masterful gaming! Nobody bought the lamb act for a second after seeing you in action. :D You are a huge part of making Stranded 40 so memorable and I'm glad you were my winner pick.    
Crazy James wrote:     The freest of free agents.  You would have had a VERY good chance of winning in the finals, even against Wendell.  To me, the defining moment of your game was being thrust into the chat room with Brad and his goons trying to convince you to vote out Ricard.  You made a decision there to recliam your agency and put together a blindside of Sydney in 10 minutes and through whispers.   Really an astute player who played the middle just as well as Wendell, if not even better. Other than the Voce vote debacle, I have no notes.  You did you and it worked!    
Shonee wrote:     I love your gameplay so much. I was rooting for you to win more than anyone else, but everyone knows 4th place is where the true star power is. Queen.    

3rd Place
20 - Male
Played By: Brodatious
From: Reddit
Spoiler: show
Jeff Probst wrote:     I think while your gameplay was… let’s say naive, you were super likable. I feel like if you were any other player, I’d be enraged with your lack of action. But, because you were so genuinely likable, I found myself taking it easy on you. You needed to do more in the game for sure, but your overall enthusiasm and excitement made you very likable. If you get the chance to play again, I just hope you can come into your own and make some more moves. Either way, you’re a nice kid and I look forward to seeing you in the community.    
Loveita wrote:     You are an absolute gem, and I am pretty confident that you do not have a bad bone in your body. Endearing is probably the one word I'd use to describe you, and I have adored your journey throughout this season. Gamewise, you were always teetering on the edge of doing something INCREDIBLE, and we first saw you push that wayyyyyyyyyy back with the attempted blindside on Jay. I don't know if failing that may have lost you some of your bluster, but moving forward it just felt that you said "no thanks" to every opportunity to really make a huge impact in the season. And it got you to the end, which is incredible! But it couldn't net you a victory against someone who took the initiative. Regardless, I have a huge spot in my heart for you.     
Dean wrote:     One of the most sweet people, never stop being yourself. You really gained a following after you started doing some quick vid confessionals. Like I said I'm getting the djembe out to jam with you sometime! Also, the house tour was amazing, definitely a top moment. This game meant a lot to you, and that's all I can really ask for as a host. We want people to enjoy themselves as much as possible no matter what transpires, and even if the outcome of FTC wasn't exactly how you saw fit, I hope that Stranded left you with a good experience. If there are any naysayers out there that wanna drag you for non-game reasons, just send them my way and I'll call a cunt a cunt.    
Michael wrote:     You are so sweet and watching you try to break down your walls has been a journey for all of us. You've had a lot on your plate and we all support and love you! You are going to be loved in the community and I'm glad you were able to make it to the end!    
Susie wrote:     I hope you appreciate how lovely of a person we all thought you were, becasue you're getting more of that from me. :) As you explained it, your ideas around what was happening and the moves you were making make sense, but given the entirety of the different perspectives we had from other players, it didn't seem like they were making sense to them. Once you jump over that hurdle and get the moves out of your head and into the game, you'll be a force to be reckoned with for sure. Thank you for sharing what you were going through during the game. I really appreciated how kind and lovely a person you are, given how ugly some of the game got, I found that really beautiful.     
Crazy James wrote:     You kind of remind me of the Poopsmith from Homestar Runner.    
Shonee wrote:     I adore you. You are my favorite and I was truly rooting for you to  beat Wendell for the $100 bucks for Crete. You are so genuine and the passion you have for this game really resonates with me. I love your vibe and your authenticity and vulnerability is your best quality. You are the winner for me.    

2nd Place
31 - Female
Played By: Amber
From: Discord
Spoiler: show
Jeff Probst wrote:     It’s frustrating, mainly because I wanted to like you more. You just didn’t give us anything to like. I don’t mean that you were unlikable, I don’t actually know a lot about your personality. I do know that you were a capable and confident player, I just don’t know why you refused to give us that side of yourself. Maybe laziness, maybe you’re just not good at confessing… that’s fine. I hope you had a good experience, you played a solid game. Just like your confessionals, I think the gameplay was lacking any excitement for a juror to get behind.    
Loveita wrote:     I hope you loved your experience playing. Having played with you before, you know how much respect and love I have for not only your incredible social gameplay, but also for you as a person living your insanely busy life. I know you play these games for YOUR enjoyment and not to please an audience, and so I really hope you got that...even if the game was a lot longer than maybe you expected. I thought you started off fantastic (knew you would) but the beginning of the season was your highest point. Every swap I think just felt a little bit more auto-pilot - not just that we weren't getting any updates from you in terms of your thought process, but that the other players started commenting on it too. Just missed that extra umph here.    
Dean wrote:     *tumbleweed*    
Michael wrote:     Ironically you are always going to be best known for your confessionals. Ha.     
Susie wrote:     It's unfortunate that you didn't take much time to answer our questions, I would have loved hearing your side of things. My condolences for the loss of your grandfather.    
Crazy James wrote:     Shirin, as someone who watched your tribe closest from day one, it was obvious how good you are socially.  You really are a master at positioning yourself within the framework of a tribe to stay safe and to keep the target off of you.  But at some point you have to make a name for yourself in the game to win, whether that is winning (or at least legitimately competing in) challenges, or just posting more or having a persona of any kind.  That didn't happen here and it's why you lost a game you COULD have won with a bit more effort.    
Shonee wrote:     I wish we had gotten more from you. It just seemed like you had this disinterest in the game or showing us what was going on in your head. I hope you had fun and I'm sorry there's not much more to say.    

22 - Male
Played By: Niv
From: Discord
Spoiler: show
Jeff Probst wrote:     For one of Stranded’s largest, longest, and overall most competitive seasons… It’s fitting that one of the best all-around players is the winner. You played hard and strategically from the very beginning. Constantly maneuvering yourself to be in the middle. Sometimes, it seemed unnecessary and overly risky… but it kept your senses sharp, and your game fluid. You were willing to take the unpopular move to advance your game, but still played reserved enough to end up on top. There are very few mistakes you could point to in your game, and seeing as you are the winner of Stranded 40, it’s hard to call any of them mistakes. You genuinely have your finger on the pulse of this game. I’m proud to call you a Stranded Winner, you have the makings of a Stranded Icon.    
Loveita wrote:     Congratulations. You did it. And I couldn't be prouder of you and your journey in this game. You were a force from the START, skillfully playing the middle in Lato, sending people idols, working your way out of potentially problematic situations, and NEVER ATTRACTING TOO MUCH ATTENTION! I know you love having fun with the game and taking risks and seeing what you can pull off and it's screwed you in the past by being too visible to others. And you were able to take a step back, really learn from past mistakes, and KILL it here, dude. You deserve this win SO much. Epic winner for an epic season.    
Dean wrote:     One of Stranded's best winners in its modern era. Having lurked one ORG that you played, I immediately knew you'd be a legendary cast. Very likeable and also a great person and player, near flawless. This season turned out to be incredible for many different reasons, and I thought that the perfect idealistic winner should reflect what this season represents. You did just that. You always managed to play the middle, from the Chris vote all the way to the Will vote. You had your interactions with your fellow chaotic castaways. You navigated this game beautifully, being close to danger a few times yet also having moments of power. A great face to a great season, deserving of the win. You mentioned in your interview that if you were cast, you'd want to play to win because you've never won an ORG before, and to be more serious than you usually play. You did it! Also, your confessionals were superb, so you get nothing but praise from me.    
Michael wrote:     It's hard to put into words how great you were at this. You know how to both lay low but still be respected as a threat. This win is very much well earned and you'll be remembered for your ability to make connections and bond with people! You deserve this! Congratulations!     
Susie wrote:     I'd seen your game with Loveita and every time you went to make a big move in this game, I worried just a little. I shouldn't have! Your charm and smooth social game enabled you to take risks without much fallout this time. Your game is a good example of staying in the middle to end up on top. We could see the big moves you were making, but they never attracted too much negative attention. Very impressive! I'm so proud of you! Congratulations on this HUGE win, you'll be who we all think of as we reflect on the chaos and fun that was this game.    
Crazy James wrote:     חג פסח שמח ומזל טוב    
Shonee wrote:     GREAT GAME! WELL DESERVED. I hear it's your first win and it truly couldn't be a better time for you.    
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Jeff Probst

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By Michael Snow
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James wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 8:48:55 pm
Dean Kowalski" wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 8:47:29 pm
James wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 8:46:42 pm
"Jay" is Will not Jay the alias/rep
Why is the Stranded lore so complicated?
15 years in the making. We took a lot of our lore strats from the show Lost. 
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Michael Snow

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By Susie Smith
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Jacob wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 8:50:06 pm I appreciate all your comments! I do feel like sometimes I'm not that entertaining. So I really do appreciate it
You just being yourself is plenty entertaining. Especially after you stopped being so mad at us for sneaking in an extra game. :D

Susie Smith

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