By Bret
Whisper to Shirin: [whisper=3230|8,13,11] ayo idk if you can whisper or not but im not changing my vote and i dont wanna go to rocks [/whisper]


  • Delos Tribe

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By Jay
Whisper to Bret: [whisper=3189|8,13,11] me erika lindsey wendell voted will. We have a path forward, I don't want you to lose your idol, I don't want to lose lindsey yet. We have to do this here. [/whisper]


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By Bret
Whisper to Shirin: [whisper=3230|8,13,11] im hearing you flipped but i could be wrong [/whisper]


  • Delos Tribe

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By Jeff Probst
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We have a tie. 

Lindsey and Will, here's how this will work. You two will not vote. The other 6 tribemates must vote for one of you. 

The other players CAN change their vote during the 10 minute voting window. If they do not change their vote in their confessionals, their previous vote still stands.

If after this time, we end up with another tie, Lindsey, Will, and Jacob will be safe, and everyone else will go to rocks. 


Good. You all have 10 minutes to plead your case.

Jeff Probst

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By Erika
Will wrote: Mon Apr 11, 2022 9:28:57 pm Erika your.a damn lie
I might’ve told a few little white lies in this game here and there.  But I’m completely honest about you making deals with me, and trying to ‘drag’ Shirin and Bret.  You even said you had Shirin in your back pocket after Tyler left.

Hopefully. this can be corroborate because I’m sure what you’ve told me has been told to many people.


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By Lindsey
Will had a final 2 and final 3s with multiple people. Including myself, before he flipped on me after 27 days in this game... all because I played an idol, lol. I am not surprised by this tie at all, you all know it. But those people that I'm with know I'm with them, and I'll go out swinging if i have to.


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By Wendell
Bret, Jacob, Shirin, this is not a move against you and I really appreciate all 3 of you. If not for the idol in the mix, this was going to go another way. I feel this was essential for me to have a chance to get to the end, I hope you understand, but as I said I'm not changing my vote. Will proposed me a deal with him and Shirin and Bret as a 4th. Jacob, he told me he had the same deal with you but he's not loyal to it. Hearing he had one with Jay and Erika too makes me think were all just being played here


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