--14th Place - Voted out 8-6--
Still got more than half a week to go until the next break! Let's see if you can still maintain your sanity by the end of it all.
  1. That tribal council was nuts! Can you walk us through what went down? Are there any new consequences because of anything that was said? Did you yourself learn anything new?
  2. Talk of idols and idol clues have been a thing for a couple days now. Do you see yourself getting close to the answer yet? Do you think it's been found already or not? Who, besides yourself, would you be okay with finding the idol, and who do you NOT want to get the idol?
  3. We are now at F17. How much has the game changed for you since F17 in Stranded in the Aegean Sea, versus your place at F17 in Stranded in Crete/Rhodes?
  4. Let's talk alliances. Are you in any right now? If you're part of multiple, how loyal are you to them? Are you worried about anyone else being part of an alliance? What do you hope to gain by being in them?
  5. Who on your tribe right now is likely safe from the next tribal council or two? Who do you think is in hot water and likely to be voted out? What about your own danger level?

Dean Kowalski

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So great to see the person behind the avatar!!!! 

Glad everything is okay from last night too! Just fyi - you can leave a "prevote" way way way in advance (even before you know if you're going to tribal) just in case emergencies like that come up in the evening. Just do it in your normal voting thread and then you can confirm or change it closer to the actual deadline if you want - we'll just take the last valid vote from the round. 
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Loveita Adams

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Loveita Adams" wrote: Tue Mar 29, 2022 1:17:54 pm So great to see the person behind the avatar!!!! 

Glad everything is okay from last night too! Just fyi - you can leave a "prevote" way way way in advance (even before you know if you're going to tribal) just in case emergencies like that come up in the evening. Just do it in your normal voting thread and then you can confirm or change it closer to the actual deadline if you want - we'll just take the last valid vote from the round. 
I fangirl every time you comment bc I love to listen to you on the podcast!! Eeeeks! I didn’t realize I could prevote so I will definitely be doing that. Thank you for letting me know! ❤️
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How do you get your eyelashes to just like, look that good? Wow. Good insight on things!

And yes, you can always leave a pre-vote ahead of time if you're unable to make it. Just be aware that that if you want to change your vote ahead of time you have to do that as well, in case things shake up and change between when you made your pre-vote and when the votes are about to be due.
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Dean Kowalski

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