--14th Place - Voted out 8-6--
You’ve passed the halfway point of the game! Congratulations!

Reply to the questions below by using video, audio or text. Many of you are doing a fantastic job of letting us know your game insights, strategies and plans and some… may as well be invisible in that regard.

1.    New idols clues were released tonight to some of you. Do you NEED to find an idol to save your game?

2.    In your application, we asked which three Survivor contestants matched your personality the best. As we go into the third full week of the game, have your thoughts about that changed? Which Survivor contestants remind you most of how you're playing NOW?

3.    What are your plans to ensure you make it through the next boot? Are you a big target, or are you hiding behind one for safety?

That’s all from me tonight, don’t be invisible!
Jessica liked this

Susie Smith

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You’ve passed the halfway point of the game! Congratulations!

Reply to the questions below by using video, audio or text. Many of you are doing a fantastic job of letting us know your game insights, strategies and plans and some… may as well be invisible in that regard. 
We can do video responses?! I would LOVE to do that if we are allowed!

1.    New idols clues were released tonight to some of you. Do you NEED to find an idol to save your game?

I mean, absolutely. There is no way I will make it that much further without one. As suspected, I'm not the best at the challengiest (I think I made that word up) person. I'm actually not very good at them at all. But have felt like I have a chance at the idol clues!

2.    What are your plans to ensure you make it through the next boot? Are you a big target, or are you hiding behind one for safety?

I do believe that I have spoke my mind, and not kept what I felt to myself. If anything, I will be a shield for Taylor because he really has a chance in winning this thing! So, as long as I can help him get a bit further and have some fun while I am still here; I will be one happy chick.

That’s all from me tonight, don’t be invisible!
Michael Snow liked this


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Jessica wrote: Mon Mar 28, 2022 7:30:01 pm You’ve passed the halfway point of the game! Congratulations!

Reply to the questions below by using video, audio or text. Many of you are doing a fantastic job of letting us know your game insights, strategies and plans and some… may as well be invisible in that regard. 
We can do video responses?! I would LOVE to do that if we are allowed!

1.    New idols clues were released tonight to some of you. Do you NEED to find an idol to save your game?

I mean, absolutely. There is no way I will make it that much further without one. As suspected, I'm not the best at the challengiest (I think I made that word up) person. I'm actually not very good at them at all. But have felt like I have a chance at the idol clues!

2.    What are your plans to ensure you make it through the next boot? Are you a big target, or are you hiding behind one for safety?

I do believe that I have spoke my mind, and not kept what I felt to myself. If anything, I will be a shield for Taylor because he really has a chance in winning this thing! So, as long as I can help him get a bit further and have some fun while I am still here; I will be one happy chick.

That’s all from me tonight, don’t be invisible!
You can 100% do video confessionals! We love them! 

Michael Snow

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