By Jeff Probst
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I've already posted tomorrow's schedule in the other thread. This is for Friday through Monday, our finale. Final Tribal Council will be non-live, We'll open with opening statements to the jury, Final 3 will have 24 hours to post this. We'll then have the jury post their questions/statements for the Final 3 (instructions to come) by Saturday at 8c/9e. Finally, the Final 3 will have until Monday afternoon to respond to the questions. The earlier the final 3 responds, the better... because the final votes will be due by 7c/8e on Monday. 

On Monday, we'll have the winner reveal, the cast reveal, and reunion special. On Tuesday, after the game is over, we'll have an awards ceremony where we'll crown the fan-favorite, player of the season, and more!

Day 37 - Friday, 4/15
8c/9e - Opening Statements Due

Day 38 - Saturday, 4/16
8c/9e - Jury Questions/Statements Due

Day 39 - Sunday, 4/17
Easter Sunday, Holiday for the Game

Day 40 - Monday, 4/18
7c/8e - Winner Votes Due
8c/9e - Winner Announced
8:10c/9:10e - Cast Reveal of the 40 players
9c/10e - Reunion Begins... usually goes pretty late, we recommend you get a discord account if you don't have one as the reunion will take place there. We will start a voice chat reunion, people usually come and go.

Tuesday, 4/19
8c/9e - Awards Ceremony

Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst
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Due to unforeseen circumstances, Shirin is unable to answer questions by tonight. We are giving her an extension and postponing the finale 1 day to Tuesday. 

So, that means if the jury has not submitted their statements/questions, you may do so. If the final 3 would like to answer questions further, they may take the extra time to, and finally... Votes will be due at 7c/8e on Tuesday. 

Good luck!
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Jeff Probst

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