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Jacob is legitimately my favorite, but again, NEVER going to let him know that. I would also like for this thread to bee hidden from him post game. 🐝 Gotta keep up the facade. No but seriously, obvi I missed the first phase of the game but hearing how he was kind of messy then and stepped into the boss/rational one in the Jacob/Dom pairing has been impressive to me. I also think he's playing well on that tribe. The rest of the game? I am not sure, because shit will get dicey in the future. And as I've been composing this it has come to light and my attention that Dom is leaving when/ife this tribe loses, which I'm here for. Though the only thing I have against a Dom boot is how it affects Jacob's game. I think Rachel is smart to not want him out yet, but I also get her reasoning if she punts his ass. I was talking in the server the other day about "heartfucking" which is the emotional play on mindfucking. The fact that he reminds her that he saved her THREE WEEKS ago, is a prime example of emotional manipulation. Which I am not knocking per se, but you can't use that on some people. Plus, like obviously he's doing it to say "You owe me, look what I did for you, I am why you're here" it's tooting his own horn on how she should be indebted, but it's not working for someone as seasoned as Rachel, and it comes off cringey and just wrong lol

I think Dom deserves a reality check, and I know that when get gets got it's going to sting super hard. I know I have given him a ton of shit here ((All I feel is warranted by his actions/words/hubris etc.)) but I do want to say I GET IT, bro. Like I understand being obsessed with the game. And having that HBIC control freak way about you in a game. And I do think his experience in this is intensified cus he was hyped to ORG again in this venue and the way this game has been going on now is a lot, like all of these people have every right to be emotionally and mentally drained, this is taxing for everyone... except Shitrin who the fuck knows how she feels, at this point no one cares anymore. But yeah, if he reads this tonight ((Or whenever, lul)) I feel for you and your passion and dedication here, but I also believe 100% you are going to get what you deserve lul

Also, it does slightly bug me that Bradley is surviving here because he is just floating by now and I just don't care for him. I would much rather the game got rid of the lowkey people since Dom at least gives us something to talk about, but I also get that Bradley is a part of some people's games and shit too, but that's it. He's like an accessory to the outfits of the other people who can use his vote and meh.

Moving on, Lindsey having the idol <3  Rachel and Jay's everything <3 And maybe more peeps from this tribe, but I'm done with this one now.
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Okay I was going to get into the brown tribe, but I have to jet. I guess quickly I will say I had a turn around on Messica =o Watched her videos and can relate to her more. So I'm not so against her survival and hinky ways anymore. But I do have to say her moral highground, I am not a fan of. Like no one here is the devil for misting you lul People do shit in games like this, lying is part of it and so is social shmoozing. It's gonna happen. But like I can get behind her, since in text she comes off a bit more idk the word, but lul She's more ~real~ with a face now. And I also appreciate Taylor's fondness and trust for her, and I know people who do love/trust her hella do, she was just too much for me before now. That's all.


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This is one of the many reasons why we stan Rachel.
 If you could offer advice to one player on your tribe, what would it be and who would you say it to?

I'd tell Jessica to get a fucking grip. I'd tell Bradley to try logging in.


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Living for how at least three people answered that question about Messica. lol Taylor's was nice and sweet and Tyler's was everything else. 🖤 

I just feel like this tribe is never going to win, it's just a feeling. Though I would love for the purples to throw/lose. But if they don't, I'm hoping we get the Shirin boot we deserve. 

Also, Dom's emotional video, lul 🖤 On one hand I appreciate the self-awareness, since he knows he's being a total psycho about the idol shit. But on the other hand, I think that he's flawed a bit more than he thinks, and his antics don't come off as just caring about the idol whereabouts to save everyone, lol Like declaring Genie is the devil and untrustable and then the whole sending her into the pineapple chat to tell everyone that idol shit, like? I dunno, he's weird. I do appreciate his love and loyalty for Lindsey and Jacob because I adore those two beyond words. But like.. he still has 294756 other problems with his gameplay, at least he admits he's a control freak kinda. I just think even with him giving a shit about the others ((Which I am not questioning,)) doesn't explain away the rest, bro. 


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Well, I was never actually gone. ((Except for yesterday when I slept the day away~)) I just didn't have the time/focus to blog, even though I've been meaning to. But I'm making the time now. 🐝
So before I get into current events, just wanna give a sad torch moment to the Queens known as Messica and Genie Image  Messica's blindside was amazing to watch, since I do think that was the best boot we could get for the dynamic at the time. Also, MAJOR props to Jessica for how she handled that and being out  so suddenly. She was viciously blindsided and ousted and took it in stride like the Goddess she IS. 🖤 All things considered, and even with some of the things she did/thought about peeps I think she's got the makings of a great gamer. She defs needs a little more experience with the social side. And like understanding everyone in Survivor has to lie, I get some of her quips with peeps, but that's the game, she'll learn that though, I'm not worried. I will say here though too ((I've said this in the server too.)) I did not appreciate her and Hannah's take on the girls, making that comment about how the communication with her is aggro and that they are probs better with the guys for flirtatious reasons, or whatever. I know it was just a comment, but no no no no no. Lindsey, Rachel and Erika are NOT flirting with these men, or aligned with them and otherwise cus of gender shit or even close. I think Jessica was already in a sour spot with Linds cus of the Hali boot. ((I don't know if this got relayed to her, but Wendell keeps INSISTING that Jessica wanted Hali to die and was "adamant" about it, and maybe Linds had that against her?)) But the other two just weren't fans of Jessica cus they weren't within the context of the game for their reasons and shit regarding her game wise too. It's not about anything else. 

With Genie, that was a big loss. I actually don't know how smart that vote was for some people?  Because like.. they need to put a knife in the Jay/Talor/Wendell action soon, and I don't understand why Will is so uppity about having done that and getting too messy, but whatever. I think Genie was fantastic here. I just had that player in my last game and they were phenomenal there and made the finals. And I'm glad they got to see how Stranded worked, since everyone who plays PM games should try this style out too. But yeah, I mean I get why some people wanted/needed her out, she played a great game and will bee missed. 🖤

Anyways, new post for the Final 12 shit. 🐝
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Okay, I'm not trying to make this long, but I can't make any promises. I will preface this by saying I'm writing this too still uncertain of what these peeps actually are going to do tonight. I mean I know Will's name is out there. Rachel's was a little bit too? And some people wanna do Crete, and quite frankly I wouldn't be too sad to see a Taylor/Jay/Bret boot happen. I mean my actual preference would be Jay going ((Even though I care for him and he's been stellar overall.)) I just think it's the better move for a bunch of people I love here, even for Ricard, though I get he is furious @ Will lul And there is a ton of shit going on, but I just want to say that's what has made this season so great. Like every vote changes the dynamic and will continue to in this merge... at least I hope so. I mean alliances keep exploding, and people keep lying their asses off to people or just not having the energy to talk ((lol @ Erika just being lazy and Wendell thinking she's a monster/untrustworthy now. "/)) but anyways, I just hope all this doesn't result in all these amazing people offing each other and us getting some weird ass Shirin/Bret/Whoever else final 3. -- Not that they suck or anything, but I mean in THIS season, this Final 3 should be fire, and I just think they are not at that level. Though I actually am softer on Shirin after her full update and I know people care for/trust her. And Bret has been amazing, but I think he's slithered down the "He's just kinda there" bracket of this cast right now from the viewers stand point and dynamics wise. I mean, I love his confessionals and his style a lot, and he's a sweetheart. But I mean, Wendell did a trust ranking this round and Bret isn't even on it, lol His EDGIC is INV5 and the 5 on that is not even a thing but Bret made it happen. 🐝

That said, this update isn't really going to be as dynamic as the game itself, these are some pretty biased opinions. And just how *I* personally see these peeps and their games at the moment, I'm not speaking for anyone else or anything. That's it. 

So let's rank these bitches for old time's sake...

S Tier - Jacob, Lindsey, Rachel, Erika, Ricard
A Tier - Tyler, Will
B Tier - Taylor, Jay, Wendell
C Tier - Shirin, Bret

For those playing at home, that's the gamer tier scale. S Tier is the God tier. So that when Jacob sees this that little ass will know that I been ranking him there from the get in this thread. And NOTHING about how I feel for him has changed. I absolutely love the shit out of his confessionals, mostly because they are full of game stuff and his personality and delivery is hilarious. Like he's also just a really logical and amazing gamer, I have to give him that. He also reminds me hella of Crazy James and his videos in Beevivor 19, because you are getting the full confessional experience but also with the color commentary. And the real emotional side of shit, but not a deluded mess. And he's anything but boring in them, which I can't say for some others. *meow* Just want to get out here that I love the way he's handled shit, and I was telling Loveita this earlier but ORGing is emotional. Anyone who feels pissed, hurt, happy, whatever in games like this, it's all normal. It's just separating that emotional shit from the game itself ((Which sometimes I can't do either lul)) but Jacob has done well with it, he's sat back when he's had to. And lashed out when it was apt to do so. I also disagree with Will calling him a goat, I do not believe that for a second. But I get why peeps think sitting with him is better, but meh. Jacob is not a goat, I don't know what his actual chances are of winning, but I don't think he sucks and never have. So there you go, fuckface. I'm a lil bit pressed he IMed me to ask why I dislike him. That was rude. 🐝

Lindsey is still a huge favorite of mine too, but she's beeing seen as a huge threat. And for her I don't think it was the best idea to do that Genie vote. "/ But I'm glad that it's not biting her in the ass where Will's part in that is concerned. Since I do think she's still good with people, and I love her and Jacob being tight now. And her revealing the idol to him. I think this was the best round to tell people she has it. I do think she should get creative though and do something with it... saving Will not so much, like if it's just to save him I think she'll get a lot of shit for it. It probably needs to get used to hit someone else, but idk. Like the talks of doing Taylor need to happen ((Though ugh that would suck, cus he's great. )) but hopefully she just uses it on herself and doesn't put a target on her back anymore than she has already. I would love for her to make the end, but these people are smart, so I just don't see it. But prove me wrong, Queen. Please. 

LOVE Ricard's passion for updating us, isn't it funny like that? Like he was busy with life, but now he has a fire under his ass and I'm proud of him for working this out and going all out to get shit done. I hate that he lost Genie, of course. But man, I am here for operation gasliight, girlboss whatever the fuck it is, lul Just because I also adore him, and that rep lul And I want to see him prevail. I get that people wanted to split up a tight pair, but I don't know if they all know they unleashed the lone Ricard who feels more powerful. I hope I don't eat shit and he somehow dies tonight, cus that would be tragic. I know he's upset with Will and rightfully so, the way that Will went about making that shit happen was bound to get out, and kudos to Ricard for putting the pieces together and basically calling shit out, I'm rooting for him so fucking hard. Go Ricard go. 

 Rachel is one of the best things about this game as well. I absolutely love her aggro energy. But also her hot takes on stuff. I really do NOT want to see her go. And quite frankly, I fucking despise the fact that as a show of good will and trust, she gives these buffoons Wendell and Jay the idol clues. And instead of taking that as face value, they have these deluded assumptions that she can't be trusted now. And how she probably found the idol and is giving them bunk clues. The fuck? Also, I'm not here for people stalking the member's list or anything creepy and highly ineffective like that. ((In case any of you who play my series' or ORGy games wanted to know why I disable the member's list shit, it's for shit like this. Stalking people is never accurate and I've seen some of the best players fuck their games over making stupid and incorrect assumptions on this shit.))  Those things do not prove anything, and the fact that people she actually essentially are helping just decided she's full of shit because they are paranoid about why anyone would show them trust is annoying. How about go look for the idol and see if you can get it before judging her? Also, the fact that people in this game are forming these weird feelings about the idol clues is kind of hilarious and sad. I think that's one of the things Poodz strives for lul And is totally a Survivor type deal, since we know already that handing those out to x person has had an impact on some people's games. ((I mean look at Dom, if he didn't just understand it's ok to share clues with whoever the fuck you want, he may not be dead right now. .. though I think he woulda found other ways to was only a matter of time.)) Anyways, I just hope Rachel can get out of this mess.

And of course rounding it out in the God Tier is Erika. I live for her updates and game here too. Absolutely adore her talking like the actual Erika some times too.  🖤 I hate that she's in a weird position with people who need her here, but whatever. For everything I fangirl over with Jacob's confessionals, Erika and the people above her give the same even without videos. I know she doesn't give massive updates, but she gets her points across and she's got game, I love the way her mind works and how she's been playing. She defs knows when the step on the gas and then pump the breaks. Just really fun to watch her work shit.

Moving on to the A Tier...  Tyler and Will.  

Tyler has been great and I'm glad he got out of the mess he was in, but at Genie's expense? "/ Doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Those two were really great pre-merge, I just don't understand why he didn't confront her or why he so easily bought into Will's bullshit? But oh well. And then Will, I'm just going to say that I feel his pain with a lot of the way he feels about shit. But then.. at the same time I'm like how do you want this control and to do shit and not pay the piper when the bill comes? Like he lied and manipulated the situation to turn people against Genie. Which is fine, do what you gotta do. But please stop whinging about how you have to damage control, bro. He doesn't seem to understand that there are consequences to his actions. ((Maybe he's drinking whatever kool-aid Dom has on tap lul)) but no really, I get that he felt he needed to step out of Lindsey's shadow some, and wanted to make a name for himself. But making that name comes with a price, so like man the fuck up. I'm not saying this in a shitty way, I get he needs/wants more validation game wise and is frustrated. But it's also final 12, lol Calm down, and don't try to make moves or talk shit if you don't want to deal with the aftermath. The cardinal and major rule in any ORGs ((And even Survivor/Big Brother any game show)) is PEOPLE FUCKING TALK. You are going to get thrown under the bus and held responsible for what you did, it is what it is. People compare notes. I still think I did underestimate him and again, I feel bad for how he feels. And I'm ranking him higher than players I like more out of respect, because he does have skills and shit, I am not denying it. But he needs to calm down and take responsibility for his actions. 

Out of Taylor, Jay and Wendell. I gotta say, I actually love Taylor the most at the moment. His video confessional was awesome and I feel bad that he's sick and still dealing with this game, but I appreciate it too. He's awesome. And I would rather see one of the other two go out tonight ((Or Bret or Shirin just to keep in all the hardcore peeps)) but like I think the chances of Taylor going are pretty dece at the moment? It's sad and I do not want it, but I get it if it happens and again, it's smarter for the others. Jay I think is a masterful social player ((Actually, I don't "think" that, I know it.)) I have felt this forever and will always fell this because it's true. And I do appreciate him surviving that swap and making this merge, he has been fantastic. And I appreciate the time and effort he puts into his video confessionals but shit.. I will not reveal who said this, but I'm in 100% agreement that they are perfect ASMR cus they put me to sleep. ((Shout out to Jacob, I truly do despise ASMR shit, lol I wouldn't know wtf it was if nor for tiktok lives and it's utterly annoying there too, I probs have 100 of those people who do that shit blocked so their vids leave my feed lol)) This guy is a very skilled gamer, his HBIC style in those pre-merge rounds was and still is impressive. I just can't listen to his monotone game thoughts for very long anymore, so I'm glad he's been writing shit out lul I just feel like where other people have personality, he's very dry. Still he's great overall, I hope he doesn't hate me for this, but the truthtea don't lie, bro. 

And then of course Wendell. I used to adore him too, but eh. That last video confessional and his hate for Rachel and mistrust in her is annoying but even more so is this ridiculous revenge tour for Dom of all fucking people, yeah said it. And I mean it, because it's true. Like I read IMs after merge to see how people explained that boot, and like even Jacob told him that Dom got HIMSELF booted. And he alienated the ever loving shit out of not one, not two, not three but a GROUP OF PEOPLE. And then expected to be okay, so for me, with Jacob and others telling him this, the fact that he's like trying to smite people for doing what was best for their games just doesn't sit right with me. And I know this is bias cus I love Rachel and others he's against lul But whatever, at least I can admit that. 🐝 Overall though if we ignore that shit, I mean Wendell has been amazing and I don't want to see him fail or anything. I think any of him, Taylor or Jay winning would be great, but I also hope they get broken up lol

And then I'm not even going to talk about Shirin or Bret, so I'm done. 


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So much happened in that amazing Final TC and this night I don't even know where to beegin.

Lindsey playing the idol on Rachel 🖤 
Ricard reading Will to filth in DMs 🖤
Jay thinking he could gaslight Lindsey into keeping Taylor lul 🖤
Will getting blindside after bitching out and voting with people he has NO business being with, lol He tanked his own game here hardcore. 🖤

This is some epic shit, truly a magical game. I would say I don't care what happens for the rest of this, but to be honest I really hope Bret and Shirin go like I said before, this final 3 needs to be as incredible as this game. Or whoever takes them can win, as long as it's not Will at this point. He's a mess, lol
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Thanks for having me, Poodz. 🖤

Honestly, for me ((And I can speak for everyone watching too.)) is one of the biggest reasons we're addicted to hosting/watching ORGs play out. Like 40 seasons in and almost 15 years and you still get an intense and amazing game. It's why we keep coming back and stay in this business and I feel like getting out isn't even an option. I mean sure the thought crosses my mind, I'm sure yours too. To like just take a break or let it go, but the reason some of us can't is because of how every game is different, and even though you and I have hosted tons of games between us. They never get old. Always new shit happens, every season of this game ((And for all intents and purposes Survivor/BB tthe shows too.)) still keep delivering. And I'm just glad I'm here for this one and quite frankly all of the Stranded's I've been lucky enough to bee a part of. 🐝
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So last night Tyler left, I want to just talk about that a bit and whatever happens tonight. ((But to be fair, I have to jet to do dinner shit, so I might not even finish reading all the confessionals :cry)) Anyways, I do have to say that last night was hot since Lindsey survived and I will always love her in this, so of course I'm happy she didn't leave. However, I do think there was a lot wrong with that whole "move" on both her and Ricard's part. If Lindsey idoling out Taylor and saving Rachel changed their games and helped them ((And it did.)) it's pretty clear that Ricard idoling Lindsey just to kill Tyler of all people also changed their games, but to be honest not in a good way. I seriously do not understand why they thought that was the best play? Their best move was to oust a Jay or Wendell. For the record too, I actually said in the discord that Ricard should have just let Lindsey die ((Though that would have been tragique)) it would have been a lot better for him moving forward, since he was establishing a way better position for himself, and was being courted for that final 6 alliance or whatever Wendell or Jay wanted. He could have used that idol to do damage to those people. Now, don't get me wrong, I understand why he'd save Lindsey too, and I'm not really complaining about him using it on her, because she is incredible and a major star of this season.

However, using it on Tyler was really dumb, it makes no fucking sense. I know Tyler was going camping and shit soon, but all Ricard did was do something the others also wanted. Like does he think they were pissed Linds stayed? I just had Jacob's video on, and he also went on about how he thought Jay was going and it was just tyler.. lol Like.. "/

I absolutely love Ricard though, so I'm not saying his game is over or anything. But there were better things to do with that power. And now we have to deal with Will thinking he's some mastermind for giving up any and all power or respect he had in this game to Jay and Wendell. I did respect him a lot more before, but this whole thing where he does and says shit, but can't take responsibility for it. Or has these fits when he gets caught in lies is deranged, lol He is giving me Bloo/Ewberry vibes and I do not like it. Like he thinks he's really in control when he's just playing for a Jay/Wendell/Jacob win at this point. It's just.. way to go off the rails, re-write history, not have the balls to take accountability for yours lies and actions, and the boast about how you're owning? Yeah no. I am sure he's going to be offended by this, but I just call it like I see it. 🐝

At this point from the bit I can gather Rachel is the target tonight? I hope she wins immunity just so she can keep her idol and use it in the future. But idk what the challenge is or if she has a chance. I mean i could also get behind her idoling herself tonight if shit does get real, I just hope the one who goes is someone who will impact the game more. Even though I would LOVE to see Shirin or Bret to go, just cus whoever sits with them is likely a Final 1 lul ((Unless it's Will, then I can see one of them winning "/)) but still, I just think as much as I also adore Jay and Windell, they need to gtfo for anyone else to have a chance. Like dismantle that actual group, and stop being dumb. Rachel I feel is smarter than what happened last night, but I guess we'll see.

Obviously I do not hold that same feeling when it comes to Jacob re: going after those boys, lul I just finished his video and he literally has the best read on everything. 🖤 

Anyways, ranting over. #sorrynotsorry for being cunty in this, I don't actually give a fuck. 


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Every time I miss a round someone from S41 is eliminated. First Genie and then Ricard. I am so devastated Ricard is out, kinda wish he saved that idol for himself. But I also don't think he should have too many regrets? I mean I did wish he/Lindsey decided to get out Jay over Tyler, but on the flipside having Jay still in and going for Wendell it seems makes everything worth it. 🐝

I am really busy now with my game starting so any of my free time has to be spent doing shit for that, but I'm making time for this too. We'll see how that goes, but I need to make it to this round just so Erika is safe, I don't want my curse to take her out.

Speaking of Erika...
Will is the absolute worst btw.  Terrible grammar, arrogant, thinks he’s playing a good game when he’s playing the worst, so it’ll be equally satisfying watching him see Wendell leave unless he’s tipped off before.

Read that bitch to filth, girl. 🖤

That said, I haven't gotten through everything yet, I stopped at Erika's confessional before coming to post this. But quickly while I am here, Bret thinks he can't beat Wendell or Jay but still wants to sit with Jacob? How does he not know his best chance is vs Shirin and Will/ Anyone with two eyes and pulse should know that. Also, Bret literally made Jay go after Wendell and now he thinks he has the social power to stop it and blindside Jay into thinking he doesn't have the numbers... lol? ok.  Just going by Erika's confessional, that split plan has to happen. Watching Wendell get got would be so amazing and hilarious. Please make it happen. 


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Rachel just letting herself get voted out is lame. I still love her, and she was a big favorite of mine here. But this is fucking disappointing. And is she and Ricard blaming Lindsey for shit on the jury. Like... Ricard didn't have to cave to what Lindsey wanted, YOU had the idol. And Rachel said before that if she had to use an idol to stay safe, she was probably going to die anyways. So I mean, I get that logic normally. But she won a shit ton of challenges, if she did not win those she woulda died too. But she kept competing, so why not idol someone out? 

On one hand I am glad Wendell is in, since he would make a better winner than most of the options we have left. ((Though my preferred winners would be Jay > Jacob right now.)) but still, it would have been nice to see Wendell get got. I am also bias against him admittedly, cus I love Erika more than him and always will. 

Also, I said this on discord earlier, I will say it here too. I love Lindsey to death, she's been one of my constant faves here, love her updates, her passion and her fight. But she does come off like one of those fucking annoying noobs lately who haven't really played many games and only watches survivor, yet comes into this one trying to school other people on game theory. It's not a good look. I can totally get behind her risks here, even if everyone else thinks they were bad lul I feel like she got everything she wanted from the experience and I love that for her. But like her deciding that people who are loyal/not aligned with her/have no plans for her within their game are "not playing" is just wrong. And I can not back her "Timing means shit all" stance either, because yes it fucking does. I mean, if she knew better timing she wouldn't be in this mess. These people have loyalties and trust in each other. No one owes her shit, and her harping on them to play a certain way she expects is just lame.

Like there is no one Survivor strategy, you can check every season of the show and every ORG in Stranded and the Yuniverse and beyond too, and people play different ways. Or have different "morals" or whatever when it comes to these games. If she had years of experience other than just watching the show ((And are we sure she's a noob? lol Not accusing her of beeing a ghostie, but lol)) I think her options on "how people should play" are too strong for just a huge survivor fan who never played an org, but still.

Anyways, I guess my main point is this: There are plenty of wrong ways to play Survivor, but there is no solid "right" way either, I stand by that and I think anyone who does watch Survivor knows that. It's always that person on the outs/in dire straits though that decides they're gameplay is superior to everyone else. Like I said, I absolutely adore her, and I hope she keeps playing because she has the making of a great player and I love her to death despite this rant, and I am a major #halsey fan 4 lyfe, but girl needs to not be so condescending. 
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Don't mind me, y'all. I'll just be over here doing a little dancey dance on Will's grave Lana style. 🖤

Not going to lie as stoked I am that Lindsey survived certain death, I'm just more happy that she survived Will. Loved her hot take on how he went for her because she used the idol. And she did save his ass several times, and he just got jealous of her game and ran to the others and made stupid moves. And told stupid lies, and I'm still shocked he was able to get away with it for so long. And holy shit that entire Tribal was fire. I love that the "threats" stood their ground and were going to rocks, because it was honestly their best option and they were smart enough to do that. While the others who also NEEDED to go to rocks were so scared of being eliminated they just caved. I mean look at their odds too, Jacob/Will were immune. So it was literally just Shirin and Bret who could get rocked. And then all of Wendell, Jay and Erika were more than willing to putt heir game lives on the line to make sure shit happened. None of them pussied out and did what they had to do, don't take the risk there is no reward. That is what games like this are all about, you stick to your guns. I know though it was weird/crazy for Wendell to flip to people who were trying to kill him, trust me. I know that looked odd to the other "side" but um.. y'all were also planning to cut him right after he helps you get rid of those people, so. He 100% made the right move and I'm proud of him for it.

I also love how there have been times I have thought people's best move was to kill Wendell and Jay ((Not because they suck or I disliked them, it was just because with Jay it was a better move for Ricard/Lindsey over Tyler and the Wendell move was one part cus it would save peeps I was rooting for, the other part was because it would been hot in general.)) but I'm really glad they put their shit aside, as well with the girls to come together for that vote. It was absolutely necessary and so well executed. I have been a stan of Jay's HBIC style since the James/Morgan boots and how he can get a plan together. I loved all the whispering and stuff too in that TC. Pretty fucking bummed my schedule won't allow me to watch these live moments anymore. But I can't lie, even the read through post round is still hella exciting. 🖤

I really thought this game would end with the Will/Shirin/Bret final 3 no one but them wanted. And at that, none of them even knew they wanted it or needed it until some of the others put it into the universe. u_u It was actually hard to watch when they realized they had to take that route, and then having Jacob think he was going to have the easy path with them too was kind of annoying, since they would have given him or anyone 4th. Idiot. 

There is more I need to say, but I have to jet again. I don't know what's going to happen tonight, they very well could toss Lindsey and move on. Or Bret can idol someone out? ((Oh also, Shout out to Poodz giving Bret shit in that tc, god I love for those Stranded tribal moments lol)) Anyways, I don't really care what happens anymore since Will is out. I mean still hoping Shirin eats it too soon, just so the game has a more solid final 3, but I'm content whatever happens now since someone else has a chance to win in a finale with her and Bret. Or maybe only one makes it? Whatever the case, it's a better ending than I was fearing, so yay. 

And Will going really opened up a seat in the finale for ANYONE left in this final 7, and honestly thank fuck for that. Also, and this is going to bee mean.. but I'm glad Bret got smacked in the face with that last night. His last video about being the André Toulon of this game and puppet mastering everything was cute, but highly inaccurate. 🐝

I hate that Jacob is crying about shit not going his way, and that the question about the vote breakdown was goats vs. goliaths, because he thinks he's totally fucked and can't win, but like I have never considered Jacob one of the goats. And like I told him "goat" is subjective. And obviously there are
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omg how did a paragraph from the middle of that get fucked and end up at the bottom? lol Idek w/e 


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Well, I am back for my end of the game wrap up. I am slightly glad this finale was postponed because I did not have the time to do this yesterday and there are some closing comments and thoughts I need to make, so let's do it. Though word of warning, these are going to bee cunty. And probably way more bullshit and ranting than I need to do...


Except not really. I mean, for what it's worth I really just want to unleash more cunt energy at Domenick end of the day and love for the peeps I cared for here.....

First, let's talk about the finale. I would say Final 3, but this is a Final 1 at this point literally. I mean I know I've made that comment about whomever sits next to Bret/Shirin will become a the final 1, but little did I know that actually manifested into a reality. 🐝 It's tragically sad that a game that was such an exciting and epic experience to watch ((And play in, I'm sure.)) ends this way, but you know what? Shit like this happens when the big dogs eat each other. This boot order was also extremely sad.. and then Will. That boot was not sad, that was fucking delicious. Anyways, let me just get to the finalists already. Oh, I dunno how to make the avies show up in this, they are mp4s. D:  Fuck.


I guess that pertains to Bret, since he left everything at the Aegean Sea out here. 🖤 

Really though, Bret's a sweet person and I know that losing this game is hard on him, but I also think he fell into that new player psychosis kind of, where he was so focused on winning and thinking he had a shot, that he actually allowed himself to be hurt by it. I said this on Discord and I know I talk about ORG references and myself all the time and how annoying that can bee, but whatever. The thing about playing these games and getting to the end, is you can never be that confident. Or think you are winning, because if you think you are winning or deserve to, when/if you find out that's not the case it does hurt. I almost lost a game I thought I had in the bag in my 2nd or 3rd year of gaming, and ever since then I never went into a finale expecting to win. Obviously you should not act defeated in FTC, you fake it til you make it. And show confidence in your game and moves, but like building yourself up to something that might not be happening is not healthy, it only breaks your heart. Hopefully he's over this by now, since it's been a few days since he figured out he's not winning, lul I think also the thing is, Bret did not play a winning game unfortunately and I don't think he was able to see that.

I said on Discord too, before I even read jury shit, that he was going to get shit for not making the #bigmoves he teased people about. You can't just sit there and stroke people's dicks and promise them a good time, and then not even like them stick it in you. ((Sorry #metoo'ers it's an analogy~)) but seriously, his game was flawed. And even though he didn't really deserve the lashing he got from some jurors because he's new to this and had no earthly idea he was playing shit wrong, end of the day he did play shit wrong. And on top of that, claiming his big move was taking out Jacob while wanting to sit with the guy who won the "Who is winning this game" question in the social challenge was a huge error. No offense to him, but I mean why would he even think he could beat Wendell more? D: Either way, he has the making of a great player. A few more games and he'll understand. Or maybe someone needed to just tell him where he fucked up more in a nicer manner than like Ricard did 🖤 Because that play style I get, like he tried to send people in another direction and get them off his ass too, but it just burned him down. Anyway, I think all things considered he should still be proud of making it all the way to the end of this game.

Oh boy, time for Shirin. I say this with the most utter respect for her personal situation and I'm not mocking someone for losing someone in their life, I would never make fun of that. And my full and total condolences go out to her and her family in this sad time for them. That said, let's just dive into her game here.


I mean, no offense but the fact that she did not do a Final Tribal Council is hilarious to me. She spent the vast majority of this game ((Since the Final 24 when I tuned in fully.)) not saying shit in her confessional, board posts and otherwise. Then she makes it to do the end and still NOTHING. If I didn't think she was subpar here, I would stan her for the hilarity of it, but sadly there is legitimately no reason to root for her ironically or not. One of the most amusing things about her FTC speech to me was how she said this experience was immersive.. and for all intents and purposes it IS. This series is amazing and should be that, but what the fuck did she immerse herself in? The chat client at the bottom of the board? She only made confessionals TWICE ever, and that was after multiple people asked and begged her to. Like she completely fucking ignored that too, the only times she did say shit was when Poodz threatened to boot her in IMs unless she did an update lol And then when she was called a goat, oh maybe it was three? I know she answered Susie's shit that time about her gaming history. But she's been like invisible in this game and it's just been annoying. Mostly too because there isn't even anything memorable or something you could point out about her or her game or personality, as a take away from the entire thine besides her being just there~ 

Not for nothing either, but I am pressed a bit that I actually gave her the benefit of the doubt on Discord, I was talking about how she was lulling Wendell into a sense of security and loyalty and would actually kill him and go to the end with Jacob/Bret after Will was gone, but nope. You know in Micro people from Sucks and Survivor culture call Mary - Mary Who? from that season, but even she had a better edit and a fierce presence. Shirin does not. I mean I understand she's been busy and has a kid etc. ((We all have lives though too.)) it's just so meh and then she tops it off by not saying shitall in the finale. I guess she gets a $100 out of the deal, so congrats I guess. 


Fun fact, I loved the real Wendell hella until Winner's at War, I didn't like the way he treated Michelle on that.. and I do not even like Michelle. D:

This Windell is fine though. I mean how many of us can say we got an auto-win? I think he should still be proud of this, and I read his stuff about not having won before. And I know why Ricard gave him shit for goat herding, lul Other threats are like SO YOU DON'T HAVE CONFIDENCE ENOUGH IN YOUR GAME TO PLAY AGAINST THE BIG PLAYERS HUH? I understand that, even if it's kinda ridic in THIS game lol Since it was in Wendell's best interest to go with these two to the end. The thing that is just off about it, is that they weren't necessarily playing for him to win. Like they did not go with him out of loyalty and love. Maybe Shirin did somewhat, since he was clearly in love with her as an ally, but Bret thought he could beat Wendell, which is kind of insulting now that I say it out loud. lul

Either way, he was good here. Not my favorite at any point, and highkey not really a fan of his "vengeance" tour for Domenick of all people. Like the fact that he was boasting about how he killed all of the people who took out Domenick, my reaction to that is this and will ALWAYS be this.


To be honest, Wendell is fucking lucky that Dom didn't make it to the merge. It was only a matter of time before he went batfucked on Wendell for something weird. And while I'm talking about Domenick. I want to say that Lindsey, Ricard, Genie, Will, Rachel and Erika did the right thing that round. And I'm sorry y'all had to deal with that kid disliking your posts and rooting against you for making the right call. He legitimately alienated and caused grief to people and wouldn't and still does not take responsibility for it. It got so bad in the server that I just started ignoring him altogether, because he would never admit that what he did about the idol clue and everything else ruined his relationships. If he just owned it, and said "You know, I did go overboard and that was dumb of me, but I was loyal to them, I'm just crazy!" instead of "I WAS LOYAL, THEY ARE BAD PLAYERS. THIS MAKES NO SENSE, THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT LOYALTY IS, I AM LOYAL AS THE DAY IS LONG. THEY MADE THE WRONG MOVES AND JAY IS WINNING AND NO ONE WILL STOP HIM BECAUSE THEY ALL KEPT HIM AND THEY ALL SUCK FOR BOOTING SOMEONE LOYAL" literally would never address how he was responsible for his boot. And as much as it was hard to deal with him for you guys, you at least got away from him. I never got to. :cry

Tangent on that aside, I know I'm coming off like a crazy person.. but I am one, so. I mean this may bee very harsh and uncalled for at the very end, but I am doing it in style...



Lastly, I just want to shout out to the people I adored here. Jay, you're a God. And my apologies for saying your long ass videos were boring.. but they were. 🖤 You on the other hand have been ridiculously amazing. Loved you becoming the jury foreman and owning bitches left and right in there. You are a total star and I'm a huge fan of your everything. Thank you for sharing your time with us, I hope you win Fan Favorite ((I only voted for that once lul D:)) But you were everything here and if you don't join me in the Fan Favo club, you're the fan fave in my heart xoxo

Ricard, you're another God and I would LOVE to get a chance to watch you play again or play with you someday. You really made this game amazing, I'm sorry it wasn't until after Genie left, but you really were another huge star, was a pleasure watching you work this game. Totally a Ricard fan girl 4lyfe. Lindsey, too. Love you much, and I can't wait for the Halsey reunion. 🖤 Erika, Goddess most high. Loved your bitchy and real and raw take on things, I told you that a couple times. Adored you here. And Rachel, we are not worthy of how epic Rachel and her hot takes were. I so wish you idoled a bitch out, but oh well. You're amazing. Of Course Taylor, Genie, Tyler and Jacob too. Taylor is amazing, Tyler adding me to the jury dream board. 🖤 Genie, as star always 🖤 Jacob I did love you lots for the entire game... until you became a whiny bitch at the end. But I mean, I get it. You shoulda made the end, bro. 

And lastly, Jessica... and this is not going to be me showering you with love. I just want to say one thing, woman. If you play on being a cunt, do as Rinna says and...


The girls in this and guys, were not mean to you or didn't say some of the vile things you did in jury. You literally cussed them and called them shit in a cave or something really nasty, lol Which I am NOT judging, read this post. I can read some bitches with some CUNTY comments, it's fine to be a cunt. But you are not the morals police, especially when you are stank too, mama. I mean lol I did lol @ Jessica telling Jay she hated him for 2.5 seconds in jury when she literally disowned him over game play. The motto of Survivor is outwit, outlast and outplay. I think you need to watch a season and understand it. Or just in general, wiggle that stick up your ass around a bit and enjoy it, girl. It's okay to be a bitch, and it's okay to lie in the game. It's not okay to just block people without communicating issues with them. I do know I posted in this thread about times I blocked bitches, but these were people like Luvash and such in games where I was being harassed lol And shit where there were huge fights before it, not just because someone lied or said something cunty. I am not using the word mean, because no one in this game meant to be mean. Some people have big personalities and say funny/cunty shit. It is what it is.

I do think Jessica has potential to be a great and amazing social player, and in this game she did have allies who loved, trusted and were loyal to her. I won't deny that, just lighten up. it's a game and people talk shit, and people are going to be shady and sneaky, it's the nature of the ORG beast. 🖤 Loved when she started doing video confessionals and was sad she was out, but again girl...


No need to be a hypocriticunt, you can just bee a cunt and myself and the rest of the cunts will proudly accept you. 🖤

And I'm done? I'm not talking about Will, he doesn't deserve it. And he's not capable of seeing reality of situations or taking accountability for anything he did here, I think him and Domenick should be on the next Amazing Race. 🐝


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