--10th Place - Voted out 6-4--
Congratulations on making the... merge!!! In celebration of this being Poody's 40th season hosting Stranded, we are so thrilled that you are all participating in the party with us!

What better way to celebrate than by getting to watch all 40 of you (yes, lurkers are watching!) play and now move on to this completely new part of the game.

At your soonest opportunity, please answer these questions, or do a video or a voice recording to share your thoughts!

1- You clicked on the link. What was your first thought?

2- Are you excited about the rest of the game, or is it daunting knowing that there are another 12 people you need to beat?

3- What do you think about your new tribe? Are you in a good position? Anyone you're excited to be with? Not be with?

Enjoy the ride!

Susie Smith

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Susie Smith" wrote: Tue Mar 22, 2022 10:53:09 pm Congratulations on making the... merge!!! In celebration of this being Poody's 40th season hosting Stranded, we are so thrilled that you are all participating in the party with us!

What better way to celebrate than by getting to watch all 40 of you (yes, lurkers are watching!) play and now move on to this completely new part of the game.

At your soonest opportunity, please answer these questions, or do a video or a voice recording to share your thoughts!

1- You clicked on the link. What was your first thought?

2- Are you excited about the rest of the game, or is it daunting knowing that there are another 12 people you need to beat?

3- What do you think about your new tribe? Are you in a good position? Anyone you're excited to be with? Not be with?

Enjoy the ride!
No joke - last night I was at a dinner thing with my boss, so I didn't log on until about 45 minutes after the action started. And I logged onto the Rhodes page and I was like wow, this is weird, we have no chat - that's not supposed to disappear for another 15 minutes. So then I started to panic because I was like fuck, am I really gonna have to whisper to people what's going on? Tyler, Shirin, Genie, and I formed an alliance shortly before we were due to compete in the immunity challenge - so I knew the plan was probably to take out Rodney. I was just confused.

THEN, I read the challenge and I see the link. I see "Aegean Sea." And I was like these motherfuckers, THIS IS THE ONE WORLD TWIST THAT I WAS WARNING EVERYONE ABOUT.

And then I open the page. I see all these photos. I gasped and I dropped my phone (and then had to tell my boss my friend told me something super scandalous they did last night). This twist is SO MUCH WORSE. I mean props to the hosts for getting us really good but you want to talk about a gag - this is a GAG. I couldn't believe it. And no one else could, either.

In a way, though, I almost feel like I'm safer now than I was before - because it sounds like I'm surrounded by former Mausolus people who don't necessarily want to work together. So now it's time to swap out Erika for Genie, lay low like we were doing on the other tribe, and let the cracks fall where they may.

Here's the problem. You know who can't lay low? Erika? That woman is a walking, talking definition of paranoia. Like take a chill pill, girl - we are not the targets right now. Let's let all that old Mausolus nastiness fester and let them fracture. But I also don't want to tell her too much, because to be honest, I don't trust Erika 100%. Genie is/was my ride or die without question - but I always felt like Erika was planning something different, and so I'm always nervous to really say anything to her.

Of course this situation is daunting now - we went from final 12 to final 24 when we thought we were playing a game with 20 people. Do you know how demoralizing that is?? Add in all the stress that all of us have felt during this high-stakes game and now we're like, we gotta survive another 12 rounds of this shit? It's a really hard pill to swallow - so I gave myself the night to freak out, and then this morning I picked up right where I left off, working to create alliances.

I started the day targeting Rodney, because he doesn't do anything. And he doesn't help. He's literally just there. And I thought, ok maybe people will see that we need to be a strong tribe (and maybe people would look past fears that Erika and I would maybe work together). But then as the day went on, JD's name started to float out there.

Let me be clear: all I heard when I was on Kameiros 2.0 that Will and Lindsey are here to play. And I definitely got that sense from both of them meeting them the first time, because they were pretty aggressive socially. But now they're taking the one guy who SAVED them last round and throwing him under the bus? Like damn, that's cold - but I also respect it. So I'm working to be their friend (and everyone's), because I don't want my name out there.
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