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Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 8:33:55 pm
by Jessica
DAY 22 - IMMUNITY CHALLENGE #13 - AEGEAN LORE1. Cecrops was half man, half what? Snake
2. Who decided how to solve the dispute of what to name the city? King Cecrops
3. Who decided which gift was the best? King Cecrops
4. What is the sacred bird? The owl, symbol of wisdom
5. What was the weather like when the people of Cecropia watched the gods present their gifts? Sunny
6. What gift did Athena bring to the people of Cecropia? Olive Tree
7. The citizens of Cecropia liked Athena's gifts better, because it gave them which three things? (3 answers) Food, Oil, Firewood
8. What was wrong with Poseidon's gift? It made the water salty like the sea
9. During drought, Athens gets water from which river? Maronas River, Marathon Lake, Elika Lake
10. What is on each side of Athens coins? (2 answers)  an owl symbol of wisdom