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Episode 11: The other team must have the 20 gigabyte a second bullshit

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 10:28:27 pm
by Dean Kowalski
Welcome to the swap! And to the weekend, having a good 2 day break. Try not to take too much time off though, talk to your new tribemates as much as you can. Also, be sure to check out the board tomorrow for further news about the individual immunity challenge that is non-live!
  1. Tell us of your first impressions of the new tribe. Who do you hate, who do you like, who do you wish swapped with you, who do you wish didn't swap with you, etc. Give us the lowdown. Do you like this tribe better than the one you were just on, or not? How do you see your position on this new tribe?
  2. This past week, there was a game merge followed by a swap after just two rounds, meeting people you've only just met. With the weekend coming around, do you think things will stabilize in time for Sunday?
  3. To be blunt, what's your new short term and long term strategy?
  4. How did your old tribe do during last challenge? Was there anything you would have done differently?
  5. Jeff revealed that on Sunday, you will start to receive new idol clues for your new tribes. Are you going to jump on that opportunity to search for the idol right away, or not? Would you work on it solo, or do you plan to work on it with anyone else? Are you worried of other idols in play currently?
  6. How do you feel about Sunday being the final double Tribal Council of the season? Is there anyone on your tribe that you'd be okay with voting out?
  7. Have you played Cars 2 on PSP?

Re: Episode 11: The other team must have the 20 gigabyte a second bullshit

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2022 2:53:32 pm
by Jessica
  1. Tell us of your first impressions of the new tribe. Who do you hate, who do you like, who do you wish swapped with you, who do you wish didn't swap with you, etc. Give us the lowdown. Do you like this tribe better than the one you were just on, or not? How do you see your position on this new tribe?
I think I'm too blown away with how things have changed SO much SO fast to even answer this question accurately. I'm obviously SO happy that I still have Taylor. Jay sent me the SWEETEST apology and explained why he did what he did last week (and even if it didn't make any sense) I accepted and I think we are good. So anyway, I'm also super stoked to see Wendall back, he was a fave. And I am really enjoying Hali. I like this tribe better than the last one because there were some SHADY MFers on that tribe. That are now gone, thank the Lord.

2.   This past week, there was a game merge followed by a swap after just two rounds, meeting people you've only just met. With the weekend coming around, do you think things will stabilize in time for Sunday?

I DO think this time will be much easier considering we've been through it before. Last time it just happened SO quick and we were blindsided. So I'm stoked for that.

3. To be blunt, what's your new short term and long term strategy?To be blunt, I think it's obvious I haven't had any. And anytime that I do, it has blown up in my face. My problem is that I am TOO trusting. I was so happy that I had finally bonded with a girl. Morgan played the SHIT out of me. And I was so needy for a girl friend here that I played right into her disgusting grimy little hands. I was warned about her, but didn't listen because she was so good at manipulating me. I was finally going to make a move to take someone out, and I did think it was strange that she was up for what I had to say. She just seemed desperate. Me, still wanting my revenge on Stephanie; and being hurt from Jay's actions, fell for it. Oh well, she and her other tricky partner aren't here anymore so that gives me faith that good one in that instance.

4. How did your old tribe do during last challenge? Was there anything you would have done differently? 
We SUCKED balls. It was horrible! We were definitely in last place. I think we should've chosen players more carefully.

5. Jeff revealed that on Sunday, you will start to receive new idol clues for your new tribes. Are you going to jump on that opportunity to search for the idol right away, or not? Would you work on it solo, or do you plan to work on it with anyone else? Are you worried of other idols in play currently?

Speaking of balls, I'm going balls to the walls on this one. I gave the last clues away, to show loyalty and that ended up being a mistake that nearly cost me the game. I've played this ENTIRE time just wanting to meet people and not knowing how to play this game for shit. I haven't said a cuss word in months and months and now I cuss every day as you can see, so thanks. I was too soft, and now I'm hardening up a bit. I'm so thankful to have learned that from this game. It's actually teaching me so many lessons I never even knew I needed.

6.  How do you feel about Sunday being the final double Tribal Council of the season? Is there anyone on your tribe that you'd be okay with voting out?

It's like a maj relief and also super stressful at the same time. Bradley should go bc he is not very active, AND listened to Gross ass Mortgage to vote me out. Like... bye. I don't know anyone else well enough to leave. I really love Hali so far! So I don't wanna see her go.

7.Have you played Cars 2 on PSP?
My OLD ass doesn't even know what that is. 

Re: Episode 11: The other team must have the 20 gigabyte a second bullshit

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2022 4:19:51 pm
by Loveita Adams
We have very bad potty mouths here on Stranded :x