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Episode 11: The other team must have the 20 gigabyte a second bullshit

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 10:28:27 pm
by Dean Kowalski
Welcome to the swap! And to the weekend, having a good 2 day break. Try not to take too much time off though, talk to your new tribemates as much as you can. Also, be sure to check out the board tomorrow for further news about the individual immunity challenge that is non-live!
  1. Tell us of your first impressions of the new tribe. Who do you hate, who do you like, who do you wish swapped with you, who do you wish didn't swap with you, etc. Give us the lowdown. Do you like this tribe better than the one you were just on, or not? How do you see your position on this new tribe?
  2. This past week, there was a game merge followed by a swap after just two rounds, meeting people you've only just met. With the weekend coming around, do you think things will stabilize in time for Sunday?
  3. To be blunt, what's your new short term and long term strategy?
  4. How did your old tribe do during last challenge? Was there anything you would have done differently?
  5. Jeff revealed that on Sunday, you will start to receive new idol clues for your new tribes. Are you going to jump on that opportunity to search for the idol right away, or not? Would you work on it solo, or do you plan to work on it with anyone else? Are you worried of other idols in play currently?
  6. How do you feel about Sunday being the final double Tribal Council of the season? Is there anyone on your tribe that you'd be okay with voting out?
  7. Have you played Cars 2 on PSP?

Re: Episode 11: The other team must have the 20 gigabyte a second bullshit

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 11:46:14 pm
by Stephanie
Oh Dom, you’ve got a big thing coming 😂 Although I’d prefer you get voted out sooner than later. 


Re: Episode 11: The other team must have the 20 gigabyte a second bullshit

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2022 3:46:14 am
by Stephanie
  1. Tell us of your first impressions of the new tribe. Who do you hate, who do you like, who do you wish swapped with you, who do you wish didn't swap with you, etc. Give us the lowdown. Do you like this tribe better than the one you were just on, or not? How do you see your position on this new tribe? I feel pretty okay with this new tribe. I really like that Bret, Wendell and Taylor are here as I’m working with them. So far on this tribe, I’m liking Erika and a little of Tyler and Shirin. I was not happy to be swapped with Jessica. I wish Jay was with me right now because I have a feeling Jacob and Domenick will get into his head about me. I just hope he’s smart enough to see through it like he did with James. My position in this tribe is still a bit blurry for me but hopefully when I talk to more people tomorrow, I can get an idea of what’s going on.
  2. This past week, there was a game merge followed by a swap after just two rounds, meeting people you've only just met. With the weekend coming around, do you think things will stabilize in time for Sunday? I really hope so. There’s 10 of us in this tribe and I really hope I can make as many good relationships as I can. People have already started dragging my name through the mud and I need to do the same. 
  3. To be blunt, what's your new short term and long term strategy? Right now on this tribe, since it’s a tribe of 10 with people I barely know, I wanna just sit back, continue making friends, and just follow whatever’s going on for now. My long term strategy is to just keep planting seeds in people’s heads and make enemies for other people. Hopefully by the next merge, people could start targeting each other.  
  4. How did your old tribe do during last challenge? Was there anything you would have done differently? We sucked. I think what slowed us down was the fact that the people participating were looking at the group chat rather than just focusing on the challenge page. I should’ve spoken up and called it out. 
  5. Jeff revealed that on Sunday, you will start to receive new idol clues for your new tribes. Are you going to jump on that opportunity to search for the idol right away, or not? Would you work on it solo, or do you plan to work on it with anyone else? Are you worried of other idols in play currently? I will absolutely work on the idol. Having protection would feel so great right now. Hopefully I can get some help, but after finding my first one, I kinda have an idea of what I’m looking for now. I feel like there’s an idol there somewhere still in play. Someone sent Jay an idol and I feel like it could be Jacob or Domenick. Back at the swap, Jacob knew that it was me against OG Zakros (before we merged) so he probably thought to give it to Jay to maybe help him because he saw Zakros was outnumbered during the merge. Now that he’s on a tribe with Dom and Jacob, they might try to pull him in. 
  6. How do you feel about Sunday being the final double Tribal Council of the season? Is there anyone on your tribe that you'd be okay with voting out? I’m nervous, as always. Anything can happen and I just have to be alert. I’m okay with Jessica going but I also wouldn’t mind Tyler leaving. He’s great to talk to, but earlier, Wendell told me how Dom and Jacob want me out and how I’m apparently the fakest person on this cast 🙄. Tyler was just in a tribe with Domenick and I’m paranoid that he got into his head about me too. 
  7. Have you played Cars 2 on PSP? Tbh, I hated the Cars movies 🤣 I haven’t heard the word PSP in a long time omg. I used to play it all the time but never Cars 2 💀 

Re: Episode 11: The other team must have the 20 gigabyte a second bullshit

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2022 7:09:43 am
by Michael Snow
Stephanie and idol plays, name a more iconic duo.