--19th Place - Voted out 7-2-1--
Congratulations on making the... merge!!! In celebration of this being Poody's 40th season hosting Stranded, we are so thrilled that you are all participating in the party with us!

What better way to celebrate than by getting to watch all 40 of you (yes, lurkers are watching!) play and now move on to this completely new part of the game.

At your soonest opportunity, please answer these questions, or do a video or a voice recording to share your thoughts!

1- You clicked on the link. What was your first thought?

2- Are you excited about the rest of the game, or is it daunting knowing that there are another 12 people you need to beat?

3- What do you think about your new tribe? Are you in a good position? Anyone you're excited to be with? Not be with?

Enjoy the ride!

Susie Smith

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  1.  You clicked on the link. What was your first thought? “Oh this must be where the challenge is.” 🙃
  2.  Are you excited about the rest of the game, or is it daunting knowing that there are another 12 people you need to beat? I’m very excited about the rest of the game. I was already so stressed before this and now I’m really about to get even more stressed. It is also a bit annoying that I gotta deal with more people 😩 Like I’ve been scraping by these past few days and now I have to deal with even more people. At this point, if there’s another game happening in this forum, just please add them all in already 💀
  3. What do you think about your new tribe? Are you in a good position? Anyone you're excited to be with? Not be with? I feel pretty good with my new tribe. I’m so happy to be back with my original alliance (minus Wendell, rip). I’m excited to be reunited with Bradley. That’s really it. I think (and I hope it happens) it’s time for revenge. 
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