Lot's of whispering tonight! As we wind down this game, let's hear your side of things.  

1. Lindsey left tonight to join the jury. How petty do you think the jury is right now? Who's the pettiest so far? Would you be a petty juror? Why or why not? Have any of your votes recently been mostly due to jury perception?

2. Wooo baby! That was a doozy of a tribal! Does the way you're playing Stranded 40 surprise you? What other types of social/strategy games have you played? How long have you been playing? About how many games? How has your game style evolved? Please shed some light on your gaming background for your fans.

3. Tonight, Jeff announced that there will be two Immunity Challenges and two Tribal Councils back to back tomorrow night. Does that change your plans? How do you see your path to the win now?

4. How does this game relate to what you do for a living or study? Are you strategic in your daily life? Social?

Susie Smith

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I think if me Jay or Erika win immunity I should tie the vote an Jacob. If Bret idols Jacob then Jay is going anyway, if he idols himself, then Shirin and me/Erika become the only ones vulnerable to rocks (depends on wins immunity), and if Shirin is legit about going with me and taking out Jacob, then she'll flip since Jacob is the bigger challenge threat and we should take him out before Jay if we can. I think this move will guarantee me FTC as I can also say that me flip flopping and lying so much near the end probably pissed off people and lost me their votes.
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  • Delos Tribe

    Delos Tribe
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Okay so I'm not sure if it's Jay bullshitting me, Bret bullshitting Jay, or if it's just the truth but Jay is saying Bret doesn't want him gone here and will play his idol on Jay if he needs to. That gives me the perfect reason to vote Jacob here and explain it to Shirin- if Jay is right, he might try to idol me out by voting with Jay and playing the idol on him, so me and Erika both voting Jacob while they are voting Jay will lead to a 2-2-2 vote, and on the revote, we can just do Jacob. If it's just Bret bullshitting Jay then it'll be either 3-2-1 and Jay goes, or 3-3 and I can flip on the revote (tho I won't and I'll tell Shirin that I think we should do Jacob here first since he's a bigger challenge threat). It will look like a precaution to her and it makes a lot of sense. If Bret idols Jacob then Jay goes anyway, I think this plan might keep me safe anyway, but also A LOT is depending on who wins immunity tonight. Ideal target would be to take out Jacob, so I hope we can make it happen.

Also I've been telling Jay about me wanting to vote Jacob and tie it with him and Erika, and I went immediately to Jacob to tell him that it's something Jay is suggesting to me but I'm with him. That way even if Jay decides to throw me under the bus (because come on they can't let me just flip flop my way to the end right) to Jacob, I think me being the first to say it to him, plus the bad blood between Jay and Jacob will make Jacob believe me I'm with him and I can keep my middle position here. I just need to convince all sides I'm with them. I think at F5 me Shirin and Erika will vote together for Jay/Jacob whoever is left (having Jay there gives me a better guarantee that's where the vote is headed), and at F4 I think I'll have the best shot at winning immunity, and if not, I think Erika and Shirin will both be okay with going to the end with me.
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  • Delos Tribe

    Delos Tribe
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Even better, I can pitch to Shirin Im paranoid about Bret trying to idol me out with Jay and if we vote for Jacob here we can pull a 3-2-1, cause I trust her and Erika to vote with me, and for Jacob to vote Jay. Bret might think he needs to pull some big move and idoling me out makes sense. So doing Jacob is really safest I think. Obviously I'll pitch all that after the immunity cause numbers and everything could change based on who wins
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  • Delos Tribe

    Delos Tribe
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