--5th Place - Voted out 3-2--
You’ve passed the halfway point of the game! Congratulations!

Reply to the questions below by using video, audio or text. Many of you are doing a fantastic job of letting us know your game insights, strategies and plans and some… may as well be invisible in that regard.

1.    New idols clues were released tonight to some of you. Do you NEED to find an idol to save your game?

2.    In your application, we asked which three Survivor contestants matched your personality the best. As we go into the third full week of the game, have your thoughts about that changed? Which Survivor contestants remind you most of how you're playing NOW?

3.    What are your plans to ensure you make it through the next boot? Are you a big target, or are you hiding behind one for safety?

That’s all from me tonight, don’t be invisible!

Susie Smith

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1. No, but I sure wish I at least had the availability to, so that's unfortunate.
2. I believe I said Aurora, Luke Toki and Dino Paulo. And ya know what, I stand by that. Maybe of all of them, Dino would be the least accurate, the paranoid as fuck player hasn't come out in me yet, but I do think I still have carried some of the mannerisms that Dino possessed. In terms of Luke, I've very much used my ability to be vulnerable and open to create strong bonds. But also, I haven't quite mastered that cheeky side of Luke yet, that'll come in time though. In terms of Aurora, I very much have had to be resilient and scrappy in the season so far, but I haven't had the factor of being alone that Aurora had. I'll come back to which player I feel like my arc represents because it's a tough one to answer at the minute. Maybe, MAYBE a video confessional tonight if y'all are lucky. Don't count on it though.
3. Bradley. Just Bradley.
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If my ideal scenario were to happen without any backlash, it'd be all the old Crete voting together to eliminate lindsey, now that I've thought about it more. Tyler has way too much power. But that'd create backlash and a massive target on my back.


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