Immunity Challenge #13 - Aegean Lore
Overview: For this challenge, you will be given a 3 minute Story. You will have to answer 10 questions on this story. Your times stops when you post your answers IN YOUR CONFESSIONALS.

You will compete in this challenge INDIVIDUALLY. You are not allowed to help your tribemates in this challenge. The tribe that has the best time cumulatively will win.

Incorrect answers result in a 3-minute penalty added to your time.

• Absolutely NO discussion of answers or times of submission.
• Number your answers 1-10.
• Answer your questions in your CONFESSIONALS.
• Your time starts when you reply to the challenge thread, even if by accident.
• This is an individual challenge and any collaborations will result in a DQ

Jeff Probst

  • Host
  • Posts: 579
  • Awards: Custom Posts Custom Custom

1. Cecrops was half man, half what?
2. Who decided how to solve the dispute of what to name the city?
3. Who decided which gift was the best?
4. What is the sacred bird?
5. What was the weather like when the people of Cecropia watched the gods present their gifts?
6. What gift did Athena bring to the people of Cecropia?
7. The citizens of Cecropia liked Athena's gifts better, because it gave them which three things? (3 answers)
8. What was wrong with Poseidon's gift?
9. During drought, Athens gets water from which river?
10. What is on each side of Athens coins? (2 answers)

Jeff Probst

  • Host
  • Posts: 579
  • Awards: Custom Posts Custom Custom