--8th Place - Voted out 6-2--
Another day/night in the grind everyone, so let's get to it!
  1. Tonight's tribal was showstopping! Whispers galore, Lindsey playing an idol. What do you make of it? How do you feel about Taylor going to jury, is that beneficial to you or not, and why?
  2. Would you agree that a Crete/Rhodes split is visible, and that loyalty to one's original game is big factor? Or do you think the two games are more blurred by now? Do you find yourself sticking with your OG season from Aegean Sea, or are you fine with hopping over and working with who you need to?
  3. Who do you think has found the last hidden idol? If nobody yet, how hard are you going to search for it? Hope the hunt goes well! Have you received any clues yet to help you?
  4. Not including winning the season, what is one goal left in the game that you want to cross off of your bucket list? It can be anything minor or major you want, personal or game. Is there any unfinished business, or would you feel somewhat satisfactory if you were to leave the game soon?
  5. Who is next in danger on this tribe?

Dean Kowalski

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I did a video confessional but maybe too much I WAS HEATED STILL WANNA I GOT OFF WORK.... BUT I was played no lie I could of voted majority on Taylor but I wanted to create Chaos... I told yiu I was going to and I was going to send Rachel home but MY DAY1 LITERALLY Asked me who'd I vote and I TOLD THIS SLITHERING BISH LIKE WOOOOW But I blocked that bish bc I she said yiu played me Insaid no I told yiu shirin and Tyler during tribal majority was on Rachel soo yes I did that work soo why not let her go??? But it will more than likely be another crazy tribal with her or me going.... I almost don't trust ANYONE ooo damn yall ready I'm trying my HARDEST to pull these votes and won't lie Taylor going wasn't bad for my game but Maybe it was better but I need her gone next..... my one goal Is to get Lindsey out before this bish gets me like girl byeeee.... I am trying to tank her game either way in process soo she has no allies.... but It's gonna be another crazy tribal....I think Rachel probably found the idol... Ricard says he's not voting with me but wants to work with me eventually booyy bye I do believe these fools are stuck on tribe lines but WHY I CAME TO PLAY and ppl are playing scared and safe LETS PLAY BISHES GAME ON!


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