--7th Place - Voted out 5-2--
Congratulations Delos Tribe!

You really came to play!

You started one game, and then another. As we enter the home stretch (for real this time), please share your thoughts with us.

1. The game has reached the real merge! You made it to the top 14. Who are you thrilled to see? Who do you wish hadn't made it this far?

2. Were you surprised at the results of the challenge tonight? Did anyone throw it? Are there any challenge beasts emerging to worry about?

3. How did the vote decision go from your perspective, are you happy with how it went down? Who was calling the shots on your last tribe? Will that continue?

4. As we move into the final stage of the game, please give us a quick trust ranking of the new
Delos tribe.

5. So now what?

Susie Smith

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Thank you, thank you. It's been a long, emotionally draining 22 days. I'm glad I made it though.

1. The game has reached the real merge! You made it to the top 14. Who are you thrilled to see? Who do you wish hadn't made it this far?

I guess... Shirin? lol. I wish Tyler didn't make it this far, he's already talking about personal crap again and no game. Erika also needs to go.

2. Were you surprised at the results of the challenge tonight? Did anyone throw it? Are there any challenge beasts emerging to worry about?

I was surprised at how bad I did, and how little I followed directions, lol. Luckily it was the last tribal challenge so let's just forget all that happened, lol. Also, good news is it helps lower my threat level, so there's always a silver lining.

Yes, all the guys, Tyler is really good at challenges.

3. How did the vote decision go from your perspective, are you happy with how it went down? Who was calling the shots on your last tribe? Will that continue?

Yes, I needed to get Bradley out so he doesn't get too attached to Will. I'm trying to weaken Will's numbers as much as I can. I wanted Jay in because he has connections to the guys that I could use in my favor. I wrote that a lot today in my previous confessionals. Will was upset that the vote went to Bradley. He said this, literally proving my point why I needed Bradley out: "Like I just want east plans I feel Bradley is soo close with me we'd know if he was trying to flop on us like Dom tried with yiu I feel Bradley would do same with me and we could cut him way before but he's never once gave any inclination".... like yeah, :100:, that's why I'm getting him out, you're way too close to him, lol but thanks for confirming it seconds before the vote.

4. As we move into the final stage of the game, please give us a quick trust ranking of the new Delos tribe.

1. Rachel
2. Genie
3. Ricard
4. Will 
5. Shirin
6. Jay
7. Jacob
8. Bret
9. Jessica
10. Taylor 
11. Tyler
12. Wendell 
13. Erika

5. So now what?

I need to get to know people, figure out the dynamics, and figure out when/how to play this idol. Who I can go for, how I can manipulate the votes. I'm wondering if should just play this idol immediately on Sunday to remove any doubt but we'll see.

Also, I figured out how that Hali vote went down. It was posted on the other thread. So I gotta figure out what to do there too. Maybe it will come to me.

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