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Episode 12: Please tell him, I said “Fuck you.”

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 10:05:10 pm
by Susie Smith
You’ve passed the halfway point of the game! Congratulations!

Reply to the questions below by using video, audio or text. Many of you are doing a fantastic job of letting us know your game insights, strategies and plans and some… may as well be invisible in that regard.

1.    New idols clues were released tonight to some of you. Do you NEED to find an idol to save your game?

2.    In your application, we asked which three Survivor contestants matched your personality the best. As we go into the third full week of the game, have your thoughts about that changed? Which Survivor contestants remind you most of how you're playing NOW?

3.    What are your plans to ensure you make it through the next boot? Are you a big target, or are you hiding behind one for safety?

That’s all from me tonight, don’t be invisible!

Re: Episode 12: Please tell him, I said “Fuck you.”

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 7:01:48 am
by Lindsey
Good morning, and thank you! I really didn't think I'd make it this far if you've read all my confessionals up this point lol.
Getting into the questions:

1. I don't think so. A few days ago, I believe I answered yes to this question; however, I was one of 6 people on my tribe and 2 people out of my group of six not chosen to receive the idol clue and there is nothing I can do about that. I was obviously a little shocked when first Jacob didn't choose me (for being in third in the challenge), and then Genie chose Will over me (wtf?) after I felt like we actually were building something, her, Ricard, and I. Jacob messaged me last night and said he didn't choose me because he didn't want to spook Brad right before the vote but if this twist was after he would have picked me. Honestly, I'm cool with it. I felt a little left out but the good thing about not getting the clue is there won't be a target on my back for people thinking I have the idol or anything, and I can't be targeted as a gamer (or whatever people are calling me). I take not getting the clue as something positive, an opportunity to work my strategy of fading back like I want to at this point in the game and try to work on building my relationships with other people in my group of 6. 

2. I'm glad somebody asked this. In my application, I referenced that I would play most like Sophie, Sarah, and Cochran; however, no, I am playing nothing like them. I feel like right now I am the Survivor love child of Tony Vlachos, Spencer Bledsoe, Ciera Eastin, and Queen Sandra. I have taken something from each of their games and have been applying to my own depending on where I am at. Overall, I feel an unending chaotic energy, sleeplessness, and paranoia like Tony that never goes away. When I was looking for the idol I didn't stop, didn't sleep, searched everywhere. When a move is happening I'm not happy with or I need to think on I stay up thinking about my next move or how to get out of a situation and use the time talking with people to execute. As for Spencer, I use my scrappy underdog skills and try to take every swap, twist, or turn as an advantage in the game. I take risks when I feel like I'm on the bottom. I try everything and try to take risks to make it another day. At one point with the Kam 4 I told them they all need to take more risks and make big moves to get anywhere in the game. I get mad at people that I feel want to make the easy choice instead of play. I find myself quoting and following plays by Queen Sandra more than I thought. I am trying to fade back now, and employ anyone but me, get in an alliance where I am shielded and make it seem like I'm not doing anything, when I feel like on some level, although I have super paranoia, I am aware of my surroundings.

3. Right now my plans are to fade back as far as possible and hide behind the boys. Simple. I think this will be my goal to make it to Thursday.

I think that's it! Good luck to my tribe tonight. I hope we win so we don't have to deal with the next boot. Glad to see Hali is safe, I hope she continues doing what she's doing.
