--4th Place - Voted out 3-1--
What a tribal council that was!! 💯💯

It might have been a lot, so take time to process it and talk 🗣 when ready. Final Seven starts now!
  1. Goats 🐐 VS 🆚️ Goliaths 💪 would you say that's accurate to how the two sides formed tonight? Will you stay with the people you voted with tonight 🌃 or was that just temporary?
  2. On the revote, why did you 🔃 change it, or stay the course ↗️?
  3. Who ⁉️ is targeting you 👈 right now? Do you think that everyone 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 has some type of target on them? Or is there anyone 👀 who is guaranteed safely to make it to FTC? 🔥🔥🔥
  4. Describe ✏✏ your feelings tonight using one or more emoji. Was it 🤣🤣 or 😭😭 or maybe a ☺🙄😶😱🤠?

Dean Kowalski

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  • Posts: 261
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Finally!!!! Something went my way for once.  Anyway, I spilled everything to Wendell yesterday and all of a sudden he wants Will gone?  I pitched Will as well but we couldn’t have done it without Wendell.  When I first read the votes I thought I got blindsided and Lindsey left.  Almost expected that actually.  I had to go in at TC to make sure Will was gone on the re-vote but I’m not sure if what I said is what switched Bret and Shirin vote.


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