--4th Place - Voted out 3-1--
Another night, another player down. As we work our way through the week, please share your thoughts with us.

1. Have you made any big mistakes in your game play so far? What do you wish you would have done differently? How would that have affected your game?

2. There was no whispering tonight at tribal. To what do you attribute that?

3. If you could offer advice to one player on your tribe, what would it be and who would you say it to?

4. Did the right person go home tonight? Who's next at risk?

5. Please provide a combined trust ranking of players on both tribes.

Many of you have done video confessionals (yes, it's really okay!) We love to see them and thank you for your efforts! Voice confessionals are awesome as well! Google Recorder and Smart Voice Recorder are super easy to use and you can also post the text readout!!

Susie Smith

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I am seriously considering pulling in Shirin and Tyler + Wendell even though it could screw me.  I am the TC queen and I want to keep that record in tact.  I don't think I want to be voting with Jessica for long at all.  Something is up with her and my gut is always right.


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The plan tomorrow is to send out the sneaky, unreliable Jessica in a wondrous 3-2-2 vote.  I hope they are okay with the split.  I hope I am not putting too much trust into Wendell.  But, he said I could vote with Shirin and Tyler in a split vote, and it'll hide our alliance even more (Wendell and I).  He could be playing me but I have been playing solo for far too long.  And, guess what, NO TC tonight.  Finally, I have been so many in a row.  And, I've been a target at alot of them.  


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I actually do really love Hali and Stephanie if they're watching.  I don't give out alot of compliments here with all I have been through but I do regret that Stephanie vote, and even the Hali one, low key.  But, fuck her, she should have never tried to go against me.


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