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Episode 09: There's a lot of alumni watching, this must be good.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2022 10:53:09 pm
by Susie Smith
Congratulations on making the... merge!!! In celebration of this being Poody's 40th season hosting Stranded, we are so thrilled that you are all participating in the party with us!

What better way to celebrate than by getting to watch all 40 of you (yes, lurkers are watching!) play and now move on to this completely new part of the game.

At your soonest opportunity, please answer these questions, or do a video or a voice recording to share your thoughts!

1- You clicked on the link. What was your first thought?

2- Are you excited about the rest of the game, or is it daunting knowing that there are another 12 people you need to beat?

3- What do you think about your new tribe? Are you in a good position? Anyone you're excited to be with? Not be with?

Enjoy the ride!

Re: Episode 09: There's a lot of alumni watching, this must be good.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 7:50:11 am
by Brad
...I guess it's another chance to reset?

At the first tribe, I was on the top, then I was on the bottom, then we swapped.

At the second tribe, I was on the top, then I was on the bottom, then we swapped.

I'm kind of disappointed that I have next to no reliable people to rejoin with on other tribes. If Erika manages to survive somehow, I've got her (which I could not have imagined saying four votes ago). And Ricard and Will are huge maybes.

I said a round or two ago that I never take things personally. But I've found myself really butt-hurt at the way JD has behaved toward me. There's been small differences in the way he's spoken to me versus the way that Ricard and Genie spoke to me when they were targeting me. JD has been treating me like an idiot, which you probably know by now is like calling Marty McFly a chicken. It makes me flip out and do dumb things.

As much as I'm sure you'd like to see that, I want to make sure my personal feelings don't get in the way of my strategy. If I'm going to target him down the track, it had better be because it's the right move going forward.

  1. My first thought was that there had been a whole other game happening and we were now combining. Honestly, I stared at all the strange new images for a couple of seconds and then I was like "Oooooooooh".
  2. Meh, I'm not SUPER daunted by it. It's a little more stressful, but pretty cool. Can't be much worse than what I came from, right?
  3. We'll have to see how this first vote goes. If I end up in the majority, then this will be a much better situation for me and I will have gotten super lucky with where I landed once again.