Lot's of whispering tonight! As we wind down this game, let's hear your side of things.  

1. Lindsey left tonight to join the jury. How petty do you think the jury is right now? Who's the pettiest so far? Would you be a petty juror? Why or why not? Have any of your votes recently been mostly due to jury perception?

2. Wooo baby! That was a doozy of a tribal! Does the way you're playing Stranded 40 surprise you? What other types of social/strategy games have you played? How long have you been playing? About how many games? How has your game style evolved? Please shed some light on your gaming background for your fans.

3. Tonight, Jeff announced that there will be two Immunity Challenges and two Tribal Councils back to back tomorrow night. Does that change your plans? How do you see your path to the win now?

4. How does this game relate to what you do for a living or study? Are you strategic in your daily life? Social?
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Susie Smith

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1) First off, I am so stoked Lindsey is finally out of the game. She was an awesome player and I have no doubt she would have won if she snaked her way into the FTC. I think there will be a few petty jury members, but I hope most will consider the FTC. The pettiest? Will. He wears his emotions out for everyone to see so I'm sure he isn't very happy with me right now. I know I wouldn't. I have voted for people who lied, stabbed me in the back and just straight played me over players I considered friends. I would vote for the player I believe played the best game. I think there are a few obvious players that would be jury threats so ideally, they will be on the jury.

2) I'm not surprised how I am playing this game, but I am a bit surprised on how I am being perceived. I have never really been one to make big flash moves, that just isn't my style. I don't think UTR and inactive/floating is the same thing. I believe I play a very active game with lots of individual connections and alliances but do it in a way my threat leave stays low, and it doesn't blow up in my face. I mean a few votes into merge I flipped sides completely and it worked out perfectly for me (RIP Tyler) yet the cast thinks I haven't done anything. :( sorry ranting a bit cause I'm over the whole goat shit. 

Moving on lol. I have been playing for about a year now, mostly survivor games. I actually won my first survivor org and was just named the servers best player out of all the season (GO ME!) I usually make it pretty far in the servers I play. I have seen quite a few FTC that ended up having a split jury, one of which spectators voted I should win (that lose was hard to swallow). I recently started playing Battleground orgs. I have played 3 and my average placement is 3.3 Not bad but I am still looking for a win there. And of course, I have had some epic flops to lol. I'm getting ready to play an invite only org soon so I'm excited about that. 

3) It stresses me out a bit, but it doesn't really change my plans. If everything goes to plan Jacob will go next followed by Jay. If it goes that way I think I will be in a great spot because Wendell claims I am his Ride or Die. Bret claims I am his #1 and I have been working hard on my relationship with Erika. Comps have never been my thing. Comp beast I am not. So it is very important for me to plan ahead in the end stages of these games. I need to make sure every person in the f4 would want me to go to the FTC.

If the above plan doesn't work out, I have also been cultivating my relationship with Jacob and Jay so I don't believe I would be either of their targets either. 

4) I think the social aspect relates to me real world life. I try and focus mainly on my social game here and my job is an account manager. So it is very important for me to maintain relationships with clients like players here. Even when I wasn't on the same side as other player, like Lindsey, I always made sure we still talked daily to keep that line open for possible moves later. 


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    Delos Tribe
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