--10th Place - Voted out 6-4--
Congratulations Delos Tribe!

You really came to play!

You started one game, and then another. As we enter the home stretch (for real this time), please share your thoughts with us.

1. The game has reached the real merge! You made it to the top 14. Who are you thrilled to see? Who do you wish hadn't made it this far?

2. Were you surprised at the results of the challenge tonight? Did anyone throw it? Are there any challenge beasts emerging to worry about?

3. How did the vote decision go from your perspective, are you happy with how it went down? Who was calling the shots on your last tribe? Will that continue?

4. As we move into the final stage of the game, please give us a quick trust ranking of the new
Delos tribe.

5. So now what?

Susie Smith

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I am NERVOUS y'all. Here are the highlights from the weekend:

Will has shot up my list on the trust rankings. I know that I've always been kind of iffy on him, but I feel like the personal conversations we've had have really bonded us. Now, I could be totally getting taken for a ride, because everyone has said he's a gamebot, he's out for himself, he'll do whatever it takes to stay in the game, etc. - but I really think he'll be a strong ally throughout the game. In fact, I feel like I could maybe work with him over Lindsey in the future? I'm trying not to jump to any conclusions now, but thinking out loud here.

Taylor, Jessica, and Bret appear to be on the outs. Rachel came to us after the merge and basically told us she doesn't trust any of the original Crete folks. Jacob and Jay have more connections to the original Rhodes players than those three do, and I think everyone is connected to Wendell in some way shape or form? So that leaves Taylor, Jessica, and Bret on the outside looking in.

I think the game is going to get really real after this vote here. Right now - there are several people in the game that think the plan is to split the vote between Bret and Tyler. Bret because apparently he doesn't talk to people and he's kind of shifty, and Tyler because I think Taylor has been able to successfully pin the idol talk on him. But the Rhodes people (myself, Genie, Erika, Will, Lindsey, Shirin, and Tyler) are looking at each other like... if we have half the game, plus someone (Rachel) willing to flip... why wouldn't we blindside someone? So now the target is on Jessica - who I've been told by multiple people is "shifty" (whatever that means).
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That challenge was really hard, but I'm so glad Rachel won it. More importantly - I'm glad that it's exposed some really big challenge threats here, namely Wendell and Jacob. Like if I were Jacob, I wouldn't have said anything (or at least anything in public) about how well I did. Instead he's telling me about how far he made it, how he would have won if it wasn't for one mistake, etc.

Like... go ahead, keep putting a bigger target on your back.

My stack blew over enough times for me to lose patience, so I wanted to get a score that was good enough to be in the middle, but not necessarily enough to win. That's how I plan to play the beginning of this merge - I want to be smack dab in the middle. I want to get along with everyone, and I want my name to stay out of everyone's mouths. I know once we get to final 9 or 10, it's going to be impossible to avoid some kind of target... but there are so many people now who people want to take out, why would I add a target to my back?


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