--10th Place - Voted out 6-4--
You’ve passed the halfway point of the game! Congratulations!

Reply to the questions below by using video, audio or text. Many of you are doing a fantastic job of letting us know your game insights, strategies and plans and some… may as well be invisible in that regard.

1.    New idols clues were released tonight to some of you. Do you NEED to find an idol to save your game?

2.    In your application, we asked which three Survivor contestants matched your personality the best. As we go into the third full week of the game, have your thoughts about that changed? Which Survivor contestants remind you most of how you're playing NOW?

3.    What are your plans to ensure you make it through the next boot? Are you a big target, or are you hiding behind one for safety?

4.     Congrats on the amazing challenge win! To what do you attribute your lightning-fast score?

That’s all from me tonight, don’t be invisible!

Susie Smith

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First off, Susie, question four should be the first question because I am clearly the puzzle master grand supreme and everyone should bow down to me. :kiss:

But seriously, this game has gotten dynamic and FAST.

Last night - we were all good for a group of 6: me, Genie, Lindsey, Will, Dom, and Jacob. Right? All good, the six of us together, working until we swap or merge. Perfect.

Today - I found out Dom wants to target Lindsey or Will. So now Lindsey and Will want to target Dom. And now Genie and I are the deciding factor. Because Lindsey went and got Bradley on her side - so now it's apparently Dom/Jacob/Jay on one side, Bradley/Lindsey/Will on the other... with me/Genie/Rachel in between. We are the decision makers.

That did spur me to lay the groundwork with Rachel that perhaps her, me, and Genie could work together down the line because I do really get a good vibe from her. In a perfect world, it would be me, Genie, Lindsey, and Rachel - I get the best feeling from those four. The problem is that I can tell Lindsey is going to be stuck on this whole Dom thing... and Lindsey is clearly very loyal to Will, who I still don't trust that much.

Honestly, if I had it my way I'd vote out Will tonight because I think he's the shadiest of them all - and mark my words, he will somehow turn out to be a huge liability down the road. Mark my fucking words on that one.

But alas, Will is not an option. So I'm telling everyone what they want to hear - whether it's Bradley or Dom. And I'm kind of hoping we win tonight so we don't have to choose right away.


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As for the idol clue, I really want to find the idol because I think the devil you know is better than the devil you don't - and I'd rather know where the idol is than be surprised. I will say if I do find it, my ass is telling exactly zero people - not even Genie. The ONLY way that idol is effective is if no one knows you have it, and you can strike at exactly the right time. So I'd love to find it, lay low, and then use it down the line so I can really fuck up some games.

Unfortunately the idol clue is really hard :(


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My main concern here is not looking like the one who’s controlling what’s going on here. Because if Genie and I get tapped as kingpins, we might as well be toast. 

Luckily, Will is stepping up as a pretty heavy handed vote whip, really putting pressure on me and Genie to get Dom out. So if this all happens, we can just blame it on Will and Lindsey and get them to be the next target (most specifically Will). 

I know at some point people are going to come after Genie and I, but the longer we can delay that, the better it is for us. 


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