--12th Place - Voted out 5-(5)-1-1--
Another night, another player down. As we work our way through the week, please share your thoughts with us.

1. Have you made any big mistakes in your game play so far? What do you wish you would have done differently? How would that have affected your game?

2. There was no whispering tonight at tribal. To what do you attribute that?

3. If you could offer advice to one player on your tribe, what would it be and who would you say it to?

4. Did the right person go home tonight? Who's next at risk?

5. Please provide a combined trust ranking of players on both tribes.

Many of you have done video confessionals (yes, it's really okay!) We love to see them and thank you for your efforts! Voice confessionals are awesome as well! Google Recorder and Smart Voice Recorder are super easy to use and you can also post the text readout!!

Susie Smith

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Q: Have you made any big mistakes in your game play so far? What do you wish you would have done differently? How would that have affected your game?

A: Constantly making mistakes haha. If I could manipulate everyones feelings, thoughts and opinions, this game would be a piece of cake. But I can't. I have to play with Jess, who cannot work with Steph or Rachel or Paul, etc. I have to play nice with Tyler to avoid being targeted, but also make the best call for me. So, I'm constantly making mistakes and just hoping I'm playing the cards I'm dealt with (and dealing) to the best of my ability.

My BIGGEST mistake is probably my social game lol. As much as it's what I do best, I somehow get close with these people and then I'm forced to make the right game move for me and then I have to cut them. Last night could potentially be my biggest mistake. I wish it was Tyler that went home, just to avoid having to look him in the eyes today - he flipped his vote to coincide with what I told him, and then I voted someone else. I was gutted and now I need to log back in today and hope this guy trusts me, no way in hell he trusts me. I just pissed off a smart player and let him stroll back into camp with Erika and Bret.

There was a timeline where I would have loved to work with Hali, Tyler and Shirin, but that would have been at the expense of Wendell AND I would have been 5th or 6th (before merging with the others from Worlds Apart).

Time will tell folks.


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Q: There was no whispering tonight at tribal. To what do you attribute that?

A: I'm starting to think my paranoia the other night stopped it, I mean, I was just trying to add some comedy to the tribal council on Monday, it was so intense. The lack of whispering was almost more worrisome haha, there's no winning, tribal will just ALWAYS be fuelled by anxiety - whispers or not.


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Q: If you could offer advice to one player on your tribe, what would it be and who would you say it to?

A: Oh, this is interesting. Curious what others are thinking, and also don't like this could get the others thinking of next moves ;) But also, our tribe is so small now, this is hard.

My advice would be for Jess and it would be to just let some things go, I know this game is stressful and some people are rude as hell, but at the end of this game, we're all going to be friends and laugh about how the game went down. Don't block them, not now, do that after if they're actually jerks in the real world too, haha.  But also, I'm here to help you when you need it! :)
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Q: Did the right person go home tonight? Who's next at risk?

A: As long as it was Hali, Tyler or Shirin, it was the right person. I do think Tyler was the more dangerous one of the 3, but the risk of him having an idol was real and now we know, it would have been a good call.  That being said, for me personally, I'm closer to Tyler and with Hali staying, I don't know if there would have been a chance to rekindle... but Tyler has every right in the game to get his revenge on me.

Who's next at risk? Tyler and Shirin for sure. However, now is a good time to flip numbers. OG Zakros #s are looking pretty good now compared to the OG MAUS, so Tyler could work his magic and get the cards flipped on Crete tonight. I just hope that with Wendell, Jess and I have enough pull with at least 1 other player left.


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Catalie wrote: Wed Mar 30, 2022 3:45:44 pm Oh damn, I am so sorry to hear that. Take care of yourself and don't worry about confessionals stuff, but thank you much for answering the questions and laying out thoughts anyway and that chart  lul 🖤🖤🖤

Feel better soon. 🖤
Thank you Catalie and Michael! Once I get my voice back, I'll switch it up! :)
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