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EPISODE 24: My bullshit radar is going off like crazy

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 10:15:37 pm
by Susie Smith
Lot's of whispering tonight! As we wind down this game, let's hear your side of things.  

1. Lindsey left tonight to join the jury. How petty do you think the jury is right now? Who's the pettiest so far? Would you be a petty juror? Why or why not? Have any of your votes recently been mostly due to jury perception?

2. Wooo baby! That was a doozy of a tribal! Does the way you're playing Stranded 40 surprise you? What other types of social/strategy games have you played? How long have you been playing? About how many games? How has your game style evolved? Please shed some light on your gaming background for your fans.

3. Tonight, Jeff announced that there will be two Immunity Challenges and two Tribal Councils back to back tomorrow night. Does that change your plans? How do you see your path to the win now?

4. How does this game relate to what you do for a living or study? Are you strategic in your daily life? Social?

Re: EPISODE 24: My bullshit radar is going off like crazy

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 10:55:30 pm
by Jay
I feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall. If this season has a final 3 of Bret, Shirin and Jacob it'll be fucking gross.

Re: EPISODE 24: My bullshit radar is going off like crazy

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 10:55:51 pm
by Jay
Cause the season deserves better

Re: EPISODE 24: My bullshit radar is going off like crazy

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 10:56:15 pm
by Jay
Answering these in a bit

Re: EPISODE 24: My bullshit radar is going off like crazy

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2022 12:42:32 am
by Jay
Susie Smith" wrote: Tue Apr 12, 2022 10:15:37 pm Lot's of whispering tonight! As we wind down this game, let's hear your side of things.  

1. Lindsey left tonight to join the jury. How petty do you think the jury is right now? Who's the pettiest so far? Would you be a petty juror? Why or why not? Have any of your votes recently been mostly due to jury perception?

2. Wooo baby! That was a doozy of a tribal! Does the way you're playing Stranded 40 surprise you? What other types of social/strategy games have you played? How long have you been playing? About how many games? How has your game style evolved? Please shed some light on your gaming background for your fans.

3. Tonight, Jeff announced that there will be two Immunity Challenges and two Tribal Councils back to back tomorrow night. Does that change your plans? How do you see your path to the win now?

4. How does this game relate to what you do for a living or study? Are you strategic in your daily life? Social?
1. If I have any read on it, probably pretty petty. In particular, Rachel and Lindsey, who should be prophesying the poor work of certain players left in the game. I would 100% be a petty juror, mainly towards Jacob. But if someone promised me they'd play an idol on me, and then didn't, unnecessarily, then they would find it very hard to get my jury vote, looking at Bret there. And all of my votes are based off jury perception, and how players are gonna be targeted in the future. Which is why I refused to vote Lindsey, but alas to no avail.

2. It surprises me, and doesn't. Sorta complicated. On the one hand I'm surprised I've been as scrappy and vocal as I have been especially at these last few tribals. Also kinda satisfied that I've got this far, even with the target on my back, which I did expect to have coming into late game. Anyway about my history in ORGs. I've played a few, mainly big brother actually, although I have played one survivor org, which I got merge boot in. I'm not a hugely experienced org player, but I'd like to think I know what I'm doing. I have won a big brother org, unanimously, although my game wasn't that..impressive, just a lesser of the two evils situation. I have played a sequester org as well, if any of y'all have played sequester, or know of it, you'll know it's fun as fuck. But yeah no it's been about maybe a year and a half since I started orgs? I only play 1 at a time, that's a limit I have so that I can do my best in the org I'm in at that time. I think by now I've done like 6? Actually I think this is my 7th. I'll talk about jury management for a bit actually, because I used to be shit at that. I was an absolute yes-man. But not in the follower sense, but in the sense that I'd say yes or agree to a plan, then go off and make a different plan. Nowadays, I'm a lot more of a firm player, like I'm not a yes man, and I know how to use things to my advantage, and negotiate with people to get a better outcome for both parties. Also if anyone's into Town of Salem, I've played that for a while. Bit dead at the moment though.

3. It doesn't really change my plans. It changes how I'm gonna scramble, cause boy do I need to. But I'm gonna have to win those immunities. If not, I'm gonna have to keep pushing that agenda of Wendell/Jacob being a pair, and that they need to be split. I think Shirin's finally biting. Bret has the idol though, so he's gonna be the key. Working hard to get him to flip, he's promised to play the idol on me if I need it. He better not pull a Kara on me.

4. Well I mean I have to use more fucking patience with this lot than with the kids I teach lmao. But my job is mainly tryna figure out how to communicate an idea that I want the children I'm teaching to execute, and building trust with them so if they're doing something out of their depth, then they can at least try, because I'm there. It's similar here, I have to try and build trust, and communicate my ideas well. Hard with this lot though haha. 

Re: EPISODE 24: My bullshit radar is going off like crazy

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2022 5:25:53 pm
by Jay
Um so Wendell wants to take out Jacob. Inchresting, in that case it’ll heavily rely on f5 immunity, who goes home. I’m just hoping bret bites at the idea that he should keep me in the game. Also, it’s kinda funny that I’ve had a similar merge game to jay in mvgx, not being in the majority a lot but yet still viewed as a big threat. Hopefully my arc doesn’t end the same way as his 🙈

Re: EPISODE 24: My bullshit radar is going off like crazy

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2022 6:17:43 pm
by Kimmi Kappenberg
What's really inchresting is I've only ever seen two people say "inchresting" and they've both been in Stranded and the other one was in a season that was like 4 years ago.

Re: EPISODE 24: My bullshit radar is going off like crazy

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2022 7:11:55 pm
by Jay
Kimmi Kappenberg" wrote: Wed Apr 13, 2022 6:17:43 pm What's really inchresting is I've only ever seen two people say "inchresting" and they've both been in Stranded and the other one was in a season that was like 4 years ago.
I do like to spice things up from time to time hah. I like that not many people do it though, it means it's my own little quirk.

Re: EPISODE 24: My bullshit radar is going off like crazy

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2022 8:32:12 pm
by Jay
Holy fuck that was clutch