Congratulations on making the... merge!!! In celebration of this being Poody's 40th season hosting Stranded, we are so thrilled that you are all participating in the party with us!

What better way to celebrate than by getting to watch all 40 of you (yes, lurkers are watching!) play and now move on to this completely new part of the game.

At your soonest opportunity, please answer these questions, or do a video or a voice recording to share your thoughts!

1- You clicked on the link. What was your first thought?

2- Are you excited about the rest of the game, or is it daunting knowing that there are another 12 people you need to beat?

3- What do you think about your new tribe? Are you in a good position? Anyone you're excited to be with? Not be with?

Enjoy the ride!
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Susie Smith

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HOLY SHIT!! That was a lot, but I completely was with it as it went along.

So, to start off I noticed that nobody was messaging me in my tribe except for Taylor and I told him about how quiet it was. I knew something else was happening. Finally, it was confirmed when Jay, James, Stephanie, and more messaged me at once with different names. Jay told me James; James told me Stephanie; and Stephanie told me Morgan. I was like whattttttt????

This was when Jay told me about a plan to vote off Stephanie and not to let her or I know about it. That was my sign not to trust James because he didn't trust me like I did with him. Domenick will be happy about that. Jacob too. I can't wait to tell Domenick about this since we both wanted to break James, Bradley, and Morgan.

Before tribal, I messaged Stephanie and we last minute decided to both vote James and I let Jay know about that right away. I also confront James, Bradley, and Morgan about the Stephanie vote before tribal and promising them that I am loyal, but they didn't message me back in time... so I voted James. 

When Jay played his idol, I wasn't shocked. I had paranoia about that, and I EVEN BROUGHT IT UP WITH JAMES. He said not to worry. So maybe Stephanie was lying about it expiring at the merge, i don't know. Glady, he used it on Stephanie which was fine by me, and it confirmed our plan. After a tie vote between Morgan and James. I knew James was going home so the plan was fine by me. I just didn't know about the idol. Jay was probably testing my trust and it worked. YAY!

ONCE AGAIN HAPPY 21st Stephanie!!! We plan to take an online shot together after I finish dinner lol!
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  • Delos Tribe

    Delos Tribe
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Hey Bret hey <3 That was quite the round indeed.  Thanks for the recap on your side of that, it was certainly an interesting round. 

That said, we would obviously love to see your video. Don't make it public, I think you need to mark it as "Unlisted" at youtube over private? Try that.
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