And... this is the merge you've all been waiting for! Hope tonight's tribal was a good show of what this endgame can do to you.
  1. What was your reaction to tribal council, and to how much votes were given out to Tyler and Jessica? How do you go about this after Jessica left?
  2. How are you moving forward? Is your trust in anyone shattered, or have you found a strong group to be a part of? Are you going solo?
  3. Where do you think the balance of power is on the tribe right now?

Dean Kowalski

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This is yet again, a completely unnecessary blindside. I WAS LITERALLY TELLING PEOPLE, EVEN THE ONES THAT ARE ***CLOSE*** TO JESSICA, THAT I DON'T TRUST HER AND DON'T VIEW HER AS A RELIABLE ALLY. You know it's dumb to leave me out of the loop when their damage control is literally "you're right I fucked up".
Well, your fuck up might have cost me the game, so thanks for that mister want to be my ally.

I don't think I'm in immediate danger, and I think I got an in with Will and maybe Genie (maybe even Shirin), but it just frustrates me how much I just can't trust anyone and I want them all gone. Erika just burned me the 2nd time. After we were locked as number ones and she's saying it was a mistake and she thought I knew and didn't verify? Like if it's true, what kind of number 1 doesn't even let his ally know he's changing his vote, or that he heard a different plan. People lie, you should trust me the most if I'm your number 1, so don't assume shit that contradicts what I told you and then still claim I'm your number 1. Either she's BSing me or she's just a really shitty ally to have.

Anyway I'm done with Erika. I'm not in a position to show it and I might work with her whenever I need, but she burned me twice, no matter what are the excuses, after how I fought for her and was transparent with her about pretty much everything, she doesn't deserve to get that same treatment back.

It's weird but I feel alone. All the people I trusted the most either got voted out or betrayed me. Idk what's true anymore, and I'm gonna play this game for me and for me only, everyone else is just aiding me to get to the end, nothing more.
Dean Kowalski, Domenick, Michael Snow and 1 others liked this


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