Congratulations Delos Tribe!

You really came to play!

You started one game, and then another. As we enter the home stretch (for real this time), please share your thoughts with us.

1. The game has reached the real merge! You made it to the top 14. Who are you thrilled to see? Who do you wish hadn't made it this far?

2. Were you surprised at the results of the challenge tonight? Did anyone throw it? Are there any challenge beasts emerging to worry about?

3. How did the vote decision go from your perspective, are you happy with how it went down? Who was calling the shots on your last tribe? Will that continue?

4. As we move into the final stage of the game, please give us a quick trust ranking of the new
Delos tribe.

5. So now what?

Susie Smith

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1. The game has reached the real merge! You made it to the top 14. Who are you thrilled to see? Who do you wish hadn't made it this far?
HELL YEAH I MADE IT. Usually making merge isn't that exciting for me but doing it out of 40 people is such a huge accomplishment already and I'm happy I made it this far. I'm thrilled to reconnect with Jay (he was the first to message and we just spilled everything to each other LMAO), love the dude, def one of the better players here tho, and I'm happy he's on my side (for the time being). Genie is awesome as well and I talked to her probably the most yesterday. I think personal level I feel closest to her and I'd love to work together. I know she blindsided Jacob and Jay at the Dom vote so I hope that doesn't get in the way. Out of the new people Will definitely seems the most social (although dude chill with the emojis lmfao) but Ricard and Lindsey seem nice as well! There's no one here I consider an enemy or someone I want gone at all costs, so I'll just put my head low for a little bit since I don't really know who I can trust fully and who I can't for most of the people.
2. Were you surprised at the results of the challenge tonight? Did anyone throw it? Are there any challenge beasts emerging to worry about?
All challenges are different so Idk, but I definitely feel like Tyler has been consistently very good at these challenges. He's also very smart and a good player and I can see him having the idol too. He's definitely someone to watch out for, but I don't think he is after me. I'll try to push the 4 people alliance he suggested as something we should have in merge so hopefully he's still down for that cause it keeps me in a good spot. I don't think anyone threw the last challenge tbh.
3. How did the vote decision go from your perspective, are you happy with how it went down? Who was calling the shots on your last tribe? Will that continue?
Smh copy pasting the same question for the immune tribe. I'm super happy Bradley went. With Dom revealing I was about to blindside them if we went to another tribal I was always afraid to meet with that old crew again cause I don't know how much they trusted it/felt betrayed by me. I was definitely the least closest to Bradley out of them so if we met up in merge I really wouldn't know where our relationship stood and I would have been down to push for him as the merge boot. Also me being one of the last 2 OG Lato standing is a flex too so that's cool hehe. Also if people look at OG tribal lines then me being part of the smallest one left is good for my threat level. I'm sure there are eyes on the 5 OG Zakros here even though I know they aren't tight as a 5 at all. As far as who was calling the shots- in all 3 votes Jessica was the one that set the tone and was the deciding person for who goes. In the Stephanie boot Steph went bc of their rivalry, and I'm sure Jess helped push that vote. In the Carolyn vote she was the deciding vote between Erika and Carolyn (and I pushed Carolyn because Jessica told me she's the least connected to her). At the Hali vote, I wanted to do Tyler but Jessica was adamant about doing Hali so we went along, cause we still didn't have numbers without her. She put herself in a position to always be a needed number for both sides so props to her. But leaving that tribe I think I was the person on top since if we went again, high chance Jessica would have been gone, and I would come clean out of that scenario. Kinda wished we went again, cause it would have hide my relationship with Erika well, got Tyler and Shirins trust, and we would have got rid of Jessica which I'm not sure how easy it'll be now that she also got Jay probably protecting her.
4. As we move into the final stage of the game, please give us a quick trust ranking of the new Delos tribe
1. Erika
2. Taylor
3. Jay
4. Jacob
5. Genie
6. Bret
7. Tyler
8. Jessica
9. Rachel
10. Shirin
11. Will
12. Ricard
13. Lindsey

(last 3 are purely vibe based so far)
5. So now what?
Now just be social, not too pushy about votes, stay chill, win immunity for my sanity, show loyalty to one side and not try to play everyone. I'm really nervous about that social challenge. Being on top is not good looks and that perception can kill me.
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  • Delos Tribe

    Delos Tribe
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Holy shit yall I actually slept at night today what a responsible human being that prioritises healthy sleep over orgs have I become

I actually been kinda ghosting everyone this weekend cuz this is too much people to talk to and I don't wanna do to much or be too visible cuz IM AFRAID OF MY PERCEPTION RN. So king Jay comes in, letting me know all the tea and basically making the tea by himself which we stan. Glad my name is put of their mouth or I WILL call Will Smith. Its a small industry I got connections.

Anyways seems like it's Tyler/Bret which tbh both is fine with me. Probably Bret more cause he continues to give me nothing on a game level and I'm just not sure whether he's plotting against me or just doesn't give a shit.

I'm not gonna push too hard to save a certain person here, so it's whatever. Let me be safe this first vote to see where everyones at and the start actually pushing agendas (yes this is my merge boot PTSD speaking)


  • Delos Tribe

    Delos Tribe
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I think I never played a round in an ORG more passively than this one. I literally did nothing other than agree with people on the vote. This feeling is disgusting but maybe that's how you need to play early merge to win games? IDK I'm spooked with my threat level, now got 2nd on the challenge, so I really don't want to cause waves at F14


  • Delos Tribe

    Delos Tribe
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Hmmm it feels like people are putting effort into letting me know that Jacob and Jay are pushing the split plan. Tyler isn't scrambling with me. Shirin didn't try to change my mind and just said "oh well gotta go with the majority". Something is definitely up. I think Jay might get blindsided for how aggressive he went about this round. 


  • Delos Tribe

    Delos Tribe
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