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Episode 12: Please tell him, I said “Fuck you.”

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 10:02:35 pm
by Susie Smith
You’ve passed the halfway point of the game! Congratulations!

Reply to the questions below by using video, audio or text. Many of you are doing a fantastic job of letting us know your game insights, strategies and plans and some… may as well be invisible in that regard.

1.    New idols clues were released tonight to some of you. Do you NEED to find an idol to save your game?

2.    In your application, we asked which three Survivor contestants matched your personality the best. As we go into the third full week of the game, have your thoughts about that changed? Which Survivor contestants remind you most of how you're playing NOW?

3.    What are your plans to ensure you make it through the next boot? Are you a big target, or are you hiding behind one for safety?

That’s all from me tonight, don’t be invisible!

Re: Episode 12: Please tell him, I said “Fuck you.”

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 2:07:09 am
by Domenick
Awwe I think that quote is from Stephanie too me. At least I hope that she'd be so kind and return my love letters and all. It's only the polite thing to do...

Re: Episode 12: Please tell him, I said “Fuck you.”

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 2:08:05 am
by Domenick
Also new song... my allies are dumb. My allies are dumb do da.
Oh how i wish my allies werent dumb.

Good song huh?

Re: Episode 12: Please tell him, I said “Fuck you.”

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 12:52:31 pm
by Domenick
Susie Smith" wrote: Sun Mar 27, 2022 10:02:35 pm You’ve passed the halfway point of the game! Congratulations!

Reply to the questions below by using video, audio or text. Many of you are doing a fantastic job of letting us know your game insights, strategies and plans and some… may as well be invisible in that regard.

1.    New idols clues were released tonight to some of you. Do you NEED to find an idol to save your game?

2.    In your application, we asked which three Survivor contestants matched your personality the best. As we go into the third full week of the game, have your thoughts about that changed? Which Survivor contestants remind you most of how you're playing NOW?

3.    What are your plans to ensure you make it through the next boot? Are you a big target, or are you hiding behind one for safety?

That’s all from me tonight, don’t be invisible!
1. No I don't. I never intend to rely on idols to save my game. I rely on my social game to save my game. HOWEVER the main reason I like having an idol is simply so its power is neutralized and my enemies can't use it against me. I also like having that information knowing where the idol is and is not.

2. Honestly, maybe they have a tad because lets be real...this is THE absolute perfect rep for me. I think I'm exactly like Domenick Abbate and I don't think I ever saw just how much I am until playing this game as him. So the answer to the 2nd question would be...Dom himself. Dom wore his heart on his sleeve and wasn't shy about who he did or did not like. He was loyal to his people he considered his people. He got heated when someone crossed him. He wasn't afraid to take risks at literally any stage of the game from OG tribe all the way to the end. He was a loving father. He cared deeply about his allies and the people he was meeting along the way. However, he also understood that unless people's interests also served his own, he would have to make some hard choices along the way. So honestly....that is ALL me. I am like Domenick Abbate and I am so appreciative of this season and having this rep so I can have a new appreciation for him and for how much I relate to him that I never saw until now.

3. My plans are going "ok well we lost. I guess Bradley is out then" Cracking open a can of soda and sitting back and watching the 4th "Lato cool kid" of 5 fall. Does that answer your question well enough? lol.

Re: Episode 12: Please tell him, I said “Fuck you.”

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 1:03:29 pm
by Domenick
So Genie's actions last night have left me prepared to move on to greener pastures. If Lindsey agrees to my offer, I will indeed uphold it and will be going to the finals with Jacob and Lindsey. Actions are all we have in this game, that is how you truly build and solidify trust. Words are just words and anyone can say them, but if someone's actions back that up, that's powerful. Conversely, if someone's actions DON'T back up their words that is also powerful. That is what happened with Morgan early in the game and that is what is happening with Genie now. I look for people that back up their words with their actions...plain and simple. Those are the people I will go to bat for the most.

Re: Episode 12: Please tell him, I said “Fuck you.”

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 7:35:50 pm
by Domenick
ANDDDDDD its official All. Jacob, Dom, Lindsey F3 deal is locked and loaded. Sorry missed the boat. This is what happens when your actions show distrust. Doesn't mean I want you out anytime soon, but it means you got passed up for the f3 deal.

Morgan, it should have been you and I'm sorry, but Lindsey is a cool person, you'd probably like her and she will be fun to have there too.

Re: Episode 12: Please tell him, I said “Fuck you.”

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 9:49:51 pm
by Domenick
Yay they took out an inactive. Good show.