--16th Place - Voted out 6-3--
Hope that you've gotten acclimated to this new environment. If it's anything to look forward to, you're almost to the half-way point now in terms of the number of players remaining! Let's get to the questions.
  1. You and the rest of your tribe were safe this round, as a reward for taking the risk and volunteering. However, you find yourselves with 4 new people you never even knew existed until now. Do you regret signing up? Or are you finding your groove on this mixed-game tribe?
  2. You can now see all 40 people on the memory wall, including people who have been eliminated, past and present. 2 people went home tonight on the Crete and Rhodes tribes. How do you react to these people leaving? How much will that affect your game moving forward? (You can also tell who went by seeing the "loser" role)
  3. Tomorrow, 2 tribes are going to tribal council and an additional 2 people will leave. Are you planning to help your tribe win the challenge tomorrow, or are you not against throwing it? Do you have a game plan for the vote is in case you do lose the challenge?
  4. Because you've now had a little bit of time to adjust to your new tribemates, how about some new trust rankings? Where do you see everyone at now? Feel free to give trust rankings to just your tribe, or to the full cast of all 3 tribes if you want!

Dean Kowalski

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I'll answer these in the morning after work or sometime tomorrow. Right now I just wanna talk to James.

James, I think you are a helluva player. While I think you made some mistakes that led to this result that isn't the point of this and I'm sure you'll reflect on that in time. Point is I know you have passion for the game and I respect that. We are very different in how we approach game philosophy at times and are both strong willed in our convictions. I do want you to know that while I did aim to heighten your target for my own benefit, I would not have voted you if I had been at that tribal. I legitimately would have voted Stephanie and pushed others to do the same. I know it wouldn't have been what you wanted either, but I'm trying to play my game too and if i was on that tribe you leaving wouldn't have been my goal tonight. 

That being said you leaving without me getting my hands dirty is something ill take advantage of as this game progresses. But i know when you are super passionate and playing hard that an exit like this especially at the hands of an idol can hurt. I am sorry for that and you are a good dude overall. You have a great mind for the game and some impressive skills. I admire your drive, activity, and passion for the game. I think without a doubt you are the best player to leave the game this season so far and it took an idol to do it.

So hold your head high. At the end of the day you played hard and I'm pretty sure you'll be back in stranded one day and I'll cheer you on when that day comes. Great game James and I'll see you when this is all over ❤
James, Morgan liked this


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Alright before I answer those questions above...this morning I'm feeling exhausted from work...but I'm also reflecting...and looking at the board in front of me and I'm just realizing...I still fucking got it. Like I first played one of these 15 years ago and I may be a decade and a half older now, but I can still hang with all these new school players, and more than hang with them...I can stay ahead of them too. Sure I've done the discord orgs and the skyper and the instagram and the speeds/minis etc...but its been over a decade since I threw myself in the ring with a true forum based org where the real competition is at...and I'm not floundering...I'm actually still exceling. I've got the experience to know it easily can all come crashing down, but I would bet out of 22 players in this game right now...I guarantee I'm one of the top 5 best situated players on the board out of all 22 of us and that ain't too bad. Why do I think so? Well let's look at my situation...

The following players still currently in the game all look at Dom as either their #1 ally OR damn close to it enough that they would burn social capital to protect me:

That's 6 #1 allies out of a field of 21. So basically 33% of the cast looks at Dom as their #1 or close enough to it to the point they would go out on a limb for me.

Let's take it a step further...in addition to that list...I have what I would call "olive branches" with the following players where if I need some help in a swap they probably will have my back:
-Ricard (via Genie connection)

Adding those players in thats 12 out of 21. Meaning Dom has at least a working relationship to get a favor out of about half the cast.

You can absolutely say I've overstretched myself. But this isn't the same thing as say a Tyler Krispen from Big Brother  (1st season not his all stars game) promising final 2s to everyone. Let's recap...what exactly has Dom promised to these people? Ricard? nothing. Bradley? Nothing. Bret? Nothing. Taylor? Nothing. Jessica? Nothing. Jay? Nothing.
Tyler? That he wouldn't be the next boot and I want to work with him...both true statements just leaving out that he would be the 3rd boot on this tribe and that working with him doesn't specify how far into the game
Genie? That I want to work with her, that I am glad we met, and that I will try to protect Ricard if I can....once again all true statements. But just again leaves out the fact that I am not specifying how far I'd work with her.
Rachel? That I want to work with her and we need each other in this game....once again all true statements...seeing a pattern here?
Morgan? That I'd go to finals with her....true statement I would really uphold that.
Jacob? That I'd go to finals with him...true statement I would really uphold that.
Wendell? That I want to go deep into the game with him (I don't think I ever promised finals officially, maybe I made a mistake on that one if I did, but it wasn't my intent to promise that)....true statement because in my ultimate dream plan Wendell would get 4th place likely.

See what I'm getting at here? I have not broken a promise or lied to anyone. I just simply have kept my promises precise to what I can reasonably uphold. In this game, especially in a 40 person cast...you have to adapt and I want to be the best equipped person to adapt. I can't put all my eggs in one basket. Say the swap happens and someone takes out Jacob or Morgan...well I'd be pissed and that would suck, but that opens a spot for  Wendell in my official plans and moves Genie or Rachel up to the #4 spot. 

That's the thing is while all these people are playing offense such as James gearing up for a war with Jay or Jay taking him out or figuring out their next targets etc....Dom ain't been playing offense...Dom has been playing DEFENSE all game, because its DEFENSE that is going to get me to the finals not offense. While all these people are picking and choosing and squabbling over their targets...they are losing more and more time to make a move on Dom. I have set up a defensive web so powerful that 12 people in this game will go "no, I don't want to do that" if someone tries to target me OR will at least tell me that I'm being targeted. THAT is the kind of stuff that gets you to the end because I have so much flexibility in this current structure that I don't need to play offense.  I openly called my one target as Stephanie because it makes everyone else feel even more comfortable with me. They know who my target is, and my target isn't someone that is very well protected either. So they know if I want Stephanie out I'm not looking at them, and in turn they aren't looking at how well connected I actually am. I do think some people are starting to see the light that I am pretty well connected like Jacob and Wendell for instance I think they are starting to catch on. However, the beauty of it is they are both genuinely locked in with me and I genuinely plan to go to final 4 with them both so they have no reason to make a move on me.

Who said old dogs needed to learn new tricks? Cause this old dogs old tricks still work just fine :wink:


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Dean Kowalski" wrote: Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:29:34 pm Hope that you've gotten acclimated to this new environment. If it's anything to look forward to, you're almost to the half-way point now in terms of the number of players remaining! Let's get to the questions.
  1. You and the rest of your tribe were safe this round, as a reward for taking the risk and volunteering. However, you find yourselves with 4 new people you never even knew existed until now. Do you regret signing up? Or are you finding your groove on this mixed-game tribe?
  2. You can now see all 40 people on the memory wall, including people who have been eliminated, past and present. 2 people went home tonight on the Crete and Rhodes tribes. How do you react to these people leaving? How much will that affect your game moving forward? (You can also tell who went by seeing the "loser" role)
  3. Tomorrow, 2 tribes are going to tribal council and an additional 2 people will leave. Are you planning to help your tribe win the challenge tomorrow, or are you not against throwing it? Do you have a game plan for the vote is in case you do lose the challenge?
  4. Because you've now had a little bit of time to adjust to your new tribemates, how about some new trust rankings? Where do you see everyone at now? Feel free to give trust rankings to just your tribe, or to the full cast of all 3 tribes if you want!
1. Absolutely not I don't regret signing up. This is a chance to forge even more bonds and further strengthen my game. Provided that first vote goes as planned and Carolyn goes it was an excellent decision
2. Well the James boot was certainly a big reaction. James had been a power player in Crete from the start so him going out now when we are only just getting to halfway is definitely a huge turn in the game. JD from what I hear is a complete loose cannon so him leaving is great for my game because that is exactly the type of player I don't want to play with and one I don't want sitting on the jury. James leaving is great for my game as well because it completely frees up Crete Brad and Morgan to not check with James about every decision they make. It also paints a bigger target on Jay as the new undisputed Crete kingpin so I hope he stays in for a bit to keep people from looking at me.
3.Of course I'm planning to help us win. This tribe winning as many times as possible is good for my game unless Jaybird and friends start getting picked off on Crete...THEN maybe I'd want to throw a challenge or so because i need Jaybird and friends to take attention away from me as a power trio/duo so if one of them leaves that's a problem. Yes the plan if we lose is voting for Carolyn. She is barely around and less active than Libby was tbh in Crete...sooo that ain't good. Unless people are lying it should be 7-1 on Carolyn but I know Rhodes Brad is fond of lying so I wouldn't put it past him to try something. Let's see how it goes. Bottom line if push comes to shove I'll go to rocks for the Crete 4. I've already proven I'm not someone afraid to take risks and I already tried going to rocks once...I'll try it again as well. Rocks to me isn't some scary ass thing...to me its an opportunity to take control when you don't have it yet.

--NEW DEVELOPMENT....as I was typing this Genie tells me that Brad is worried about wendell/jacob/myself and wants to pull rachel in for a group of 5 with rhodes. Uh uh..ain't so fast home slice...you think you're gonna get one over on Dom? You gotta play a lot fucking better than that. So the vote may flip onto Brad instead of Carolyn since Brad wants to rock the boat. You aren't taking Rachel from me dipshit. And you don't have Genie either. Who do you think you are Brad? I've put in WAYYYY more work than you have at building relationships. If you want to come for me...read a book or something first about game theory...kapiche?

4. I will give trust rankings for the full cast over the weekend (unless of course I got blindsided tonight lol). For now we are just doing this tribe only.
Tier 1
1. Jacob--No brainer here at this point...Jacob has never done anything to hide anything from me or go against me all game. I won't betray him...flat out.
2. Rachel--Rachel had the same kind of journey to get to this point as I did. We were both on the bottom and are trying to retake control and I think she trusts me and will stick by me.
3. Wendell--Hey you are in Tier 1 at least man cause you came clean about the idol and other things. BUT unlike the two people above you...you did hide a lot of shit from me so its hard to fully trust until I see more actions from you showing that.

Tier 2
4. Genie--Genie is fucking amazing. She is only in Tier 2 just cause we have only known each other a few days. BUT Genie is already giving me critical game information and helping me block a move by Brad. That is huge and look for Genie to rise up to Tier 1 in the next trust ranking if she stays loyal

Tier 3
5. Tyler--Honestly he seems very genuine. I think he trusts me and really wants to work with me. However, he is getting close to Brad which isn't a good thing. It will be a good test for him to see if Brad pushes my name if Tyler comes back to me and tells me about it when I already know anyways.

Tier 4
6. Carolyn--I mean she's virtually inactive. Only reason she isn't lower is cause the person below her is trying to play too hard for my liking right now and make moves against me.
7. Brad--Oh Brad...let's face it man...you're out of your league. Do you really think you are gonna pull off a move against me when I've put in way more work than you have? Genie is with me more than you, Tyler is with me more than you, Rachel is with me more than you, So are Wendell and Jacob. Like bro...you are WAY fucking outmatched right now. If you push this too far, you are ending your own game tonight if we lose. If you lay down and take a nap then you will have all weekend to try and change your status if you want to. Do the smart thing for your own game. You haven't put in the work to make this move...you need this weekend if you are gonna even attempt anything against me. But hey...don't take my advice and see what it gets ya pal...


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Oh Brad...for your sake I hope you just take a nap and go along with the Carolyn vote peacefully. It's your best move dude. You don't have the social capital right now to pull off anything but that. All you have going for you is a connection with Tyler which is 2nd to my connection with Tyler. Like you are dead in the water dude...you really gotta rethink this and take the weekend and hit the social game HARD if you want to undo your position cause making a move tonight will land you in your deathbed...I guarantee it.


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